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Nature’s Flying Machines: The Evolutionary Relationship of Avian Form & Function

Author(s): Melissa Haswell

Davenport University

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Objectives for Identifying the relationship between form and function

  1. Identify & compare beak types between various bird species from a digitized natural history collection.
  2. Identify function and related food source for each beak type.
  3. Identify flight patterns for various bird species.
  4. Identify and compare the relationship between food sources (beak form and function) and migratory patterns (wing form & function).
  5. Identify the relationship between food sources and reproductive strategies in migratory bird species.
  6. Practice accessing digitized natural history data from an international biodiversity data base.
  7. Participate in a collaborative team project.
  8. Create a life history for a Michigan bird species in the form of a poster.



Version 1 from BLUE FMN 2019.  Tested as a combination of in-person and online instruction for a lecture course for majors in biological laboratory science introductory course.

Image Source: "Pune Gettogether - Birds Flight Formations .. :)" byRaman_Rambo is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

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