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CC-CURE Report Out from the BIOME 2020 Institute

Author(s): Caroline DeVan1, Eric Dyreson2, Gabriela Florido3, Joanna Werner-Fraczek3, Joseph Eason2, Kasey Nguyen3, Katie Bjornen2, Kristin Jenkins4, Kyla Flanagan, Maria Stanko1, Mary Konsolaki1, Michelle Anderson5, Sam S Donovan6

1. New Jersey Institute of Technology 2. University of Montana Western 3. Moreno Valley College 4. BioQUEST 5. The University of Montana Western 6. University of Pittsburgh

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This resource includes a collection of videos describing some of the outcomes from the Interdisciplinary and Cross Course CURE working group.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 2.0 - published on 03 Dec 2020 doi:10.25334/76HE-JS80 - cite this


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