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How STEM Faculty Can Manage Generative A.I. use by Students

Author(s): Dr Pankaj Mehrotra1, Harsha Sharma2, Michael Plotkin3

1. University of the People, California and MERLOT Biology Board 2. Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing & Allied Health and MERLOT Biology Board 3. Mt. San Jacinto College and MERLOT Biology Board

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Generative AIs (e.g., ChatGPT have arrived on college campuses. STEM faculty have begun grappling with this disruptive technology and have responded in a various way from grudging acceptance to heroic efforts to forestall cheating to innovative…


Generative AIs (e.g., ChatGPT have arrived on college campuses. STEM faculty have begun grappling with this disruptive technology and have responded in a various way from grudging acceptance to heroic efforts to forestall cheating to innovative incorporation. We provide a comprehensive survey of responses and a set of best practices.


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