Regulation Across Scales: Data Points on How Life Works
Author(s): Kristine Grayson1, Kaitlin Bonner2, Alexandra Fairfield3, J. Phil Gibson4
1. University of Richmond 2. St. John Fisher College 3. Montgomery College, Takoma Park, MD 4. University of Oklahoma
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The Serengeti Rules by Sean B. Carroll (2016) describes how the principles of regulation operate across cellular, physiological, and ecological scales to govern the operation of biological systems. As a small working group, we collected examples of scientific studies with data-based figures that illustrated the principle of double-negative logic in regulation. Double-negative logic is described by Carroll as the indirect positive interaction between two components in a system, where the negative impact of component A on B and the negative impact of component B on C results in a positive indirect effect of A on C.
After building a collection of studies, we developed data points (figure interpretation activities) for our classrooms that illustrated this principle. These have been organized as individual adaptions of this central investigative work.
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Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Grayson, K., Bonner, K., Fairfield, A. S., Gibson, J. P. (2019). Regulation Across Scales: Data Points on How Life Works. HHMI BioInteractive, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/Q4T151