
What Shapes a River: Field Lesson

This lesson introduces students to field methods and theoretical concepts regarding the factors that shape river environments and ecosystems. Introductory material is followed by instruction in the Wolman Pebble Count and the Equation of Entrainment.

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Linking Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis to Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Conservation

Traditional Ecological Knowledge is based on deep understanding of systems from observations made over hundreds to thousands of years. This resource connects Traditional Ecological Knowledge to modern conservation through media and primary literature interpretation. The adaptation of this research aims to link the material to the ecological concept of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis and to highlight ecologists whose careers have focused on the concept.

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Dayna Quick onto To try

Spreadsheet Data Analysis Tutorial Series

This series of self-paced tutorials show how to analyze data using a spreadsheet program.

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Profile picture of Eyinmisan Nikatsekpe

Eyinmisan Nikatsekpe onto Statistics

Lesson II - Databases

Genome Solver began as a way to teach undergraduate faculty some basic skills in bioinformatics; no coding or scripting is required. Lesson II introduces the principal databases for microbial genomics.

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Eyinmisan Nikatsekpe onto Bioinformatics

GEA Introductory lesson on BLAST

The "Introduction to BLAST using Human Leptin" exercise aims to introduce students to the use of the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) to identify related sequences and compare similarity between them.

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Eyinmisan Nikatsekpe onto Bioinformatics

Basic Statistics

The students will practice identifying the appropriate basic statistical tests when given a scenario and learn how to run and interpret those statistical tests in R.

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Eyinmisan Nikatsekpe onto Statistics

Hemoglobin bioinformatics

This is an introduction to bioinformatics using hemoglobin as an example. The worksheets introduce students to resources to explore the DNA, RNA and polypeptide linear structure with a brief introduction to the quaternary structure of hemoglobin.

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Eyinmisan Nikatsekpe onto Bioinformatics

A "Box of Lessons" for Exploring Biomolecular Structure and Function

Biomolecular structure and function is emphasized as a core concept in a variety of community determined educational standards for biology and chemistry. Most curricula introduce students to the building blocks and principles of biomolecular structures, in introductory chapters of biology, biochemistry, cell biology, and chemistry courses, but very few engage students in actively visualizing and exploring biomolecular structures throughout the course. Conversations with faculty teaching introductory courses, and/or developing and piloting molecular case studies, helped uncover the need for new resources, and professional development to support introduction of biomolecular exploration. To address this need, a group of faculty participating in a Faculty Mentoring Network in Spring 2022, gathered together resources and lessons that they had independently developed and collaboratively developed additional ones. An overview of the lessons will be presented here. Interested users are invited to pilot the lessons in Fall 2022.

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Eyinmisan Nikatsekpe onto Biochemistry

Build Multiomic and Visualization Skills in Bioscience Lecture

This resource promotes inclusive learning by using all free platforms to extend the central dogma to an applied experience. Genomics is focused on with literature reviews that are performed to identify genes implicated in a clinical condition. Transcriptomics with data mining of RNAseq acquisition is followed by protein sequence acquisition and modeling. Teaching and learning of communication in the process of science is the final focus.

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Eyinmisan Nikatsekpe onto Biochemistry

Build Multiomic and Visualization Skills in Bioscience Lecture

This resource promotes inclusive learning by using all free platforms to extend the central dogma to an applied experience. Genomics is focused on with literature reviews that are performed to identify genes implicated in a clinical condition. Transcriptomics with data mining of RNAseq acquisition is followed by protein sequence acquisition and modeling. Teaching and learning of communication in the process of science is the final focus.

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Profile picture of Eyinmisan Nikatsekpe

Eyinmisan Nikatsekpe onto Molecular Biology

Box of Lessons: A Toolkit for Introducing Students to Biomolecular Structure and Function

This is a poster describing a collection of open educational resources that were developed by faculty participating in the Molecular CaseNet Faculty Mentoring Network in Spring 2022. The collection was then reviewed and piloted and is now ready for publishing.

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Eyinmisan Nikatsekpe onto Biochemistry

Antibiotic Resistance of Bacterial Soil Isolates and Biofilm Production

In this lesson, learners will hear about research that focuses on bacterial antibiotic resistance and biofilm production. Students will see how antibiotic resistance is measured and interpret a graph measuring biofilm production of these bacterial soil isolates. Then, learners view and reflect on an interview with microbiology researcher Dr. Danielle Graham, who collected the data that they interpreted.

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Eyinmisan Nikatsekpe onto Microbiology

Designing a High Quality and Accessible Scientific Poster

The aim of this project is to help undergraduates understand the importance of making their research accessible to a wide audience and to practice this idea by deliberately designing a scientific poster that is accessible to a more inclusive audience.

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Eyinmisan Nikatsekpe onto Study Support

Mysterious Occurrences: Representation, Resiliency, and Redundancy in Native Plant Populations

Meet Dr. Rachel Hackett, a conservation plant biologist at the Michigan Natural Features Inventory.  We learn about Rachel's job and the restoration of threatened and endangered species. Rachel provides some examples of "new" populations and students discuss ways to determine if the population is a remnant or introduced population. 

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Profile picture of Rhea Ewing

Rhea Ewing onto Illustrated Resources

Mapping New Discoveries: iNaturalist and Biodiversity Data

Meet Lauren Esposito, the Curator of Arachnology at the California Academy of Sciences. Learn how they use community science to inform new species discovery.

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Rhea Ewing onto Illustrated Resources

Rescuing Data: Preserving Data for the Future

Meet Diane Srivastava, director of the Canadian Institute for Ecology and Evolution, and learn how they sythesize and save biodiversity data.

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Rhea Ewing onto Illustrated Resources

Sorting through the Data

Meet Thomas McElrath, a insect collection manager at the Illinois Natural History Survey and beetle researcher. Tommy explains the value of data standards while discussing beetles and variations in sex.

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Rhea Ewing onto Illustrated Resources

Saving Endangered Species: Zoos, Museums and Biodiversity Data

Resources I’ve created and contributed art towards.

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Rhea Ewing onto Illustrated Resources

Promoting Climate Change Literacy for Non-majors: Implementation of an atmospheric carbon dioxide modeling activity as an inquiry-based classroom activity

Students who are directly involved in scientific activities develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of both scientific knowledge and the scientific process. This understanding is critically important in scientific areas like climate change that are the focus of global public and political debate. Toward this end, we used a publicly available atmospheric carbon dioxide modeling activity in a non-major biology course to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of climate change science. This activity steps students through the development of a basic model of carbon flow between the land, the atmosphere, and the ocean. Students manipulate components of the model to optimize the model based on known data. The model is then used to make predictions for future atmospheric carbon dioxide under scenarios that the students generate and test. For the initial implementation of this lab, pre/post assessment questions evaluated the student's confidence in science and general science knowledge, as well as gauged the usefulness of this class activity. Assessment data and student feedback indicated that the students enjoyed this activity and learned about climate change dynamics and also about the climate change modeling process.

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Tamara Johnstone-Yellin onto 101 Assessment options

Movement: Nature's Flying Machines

In this lab, you will explore the physics of flight, the adaptations that make powered flight possible, and the evolution of powered flight in vertebrates and invertebrates.

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Profile picture of DeeDee Wright

DeeDee Wright onto Animal Bio

Vertebrate Clade Race

This activity introduces basic tree reading skills for evolutionary phylogenies. It is designed as a short group activity. After completing this activity, students should be familiar with basic terminology and how to "read" a phylogenetic tree.

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DeeDee Wright onto Animal Bio

Cladistic Analysis Lesson Using Bats

Phylogenetic analysis can be a challenging concept to grasp for undergraduate biology students. This cladistic analysis lesson utilizes the amazingly diverse Order Chiroptera as a model to introduce students to major biological concepts such as: phylogenies, morphological traits (shared and unique characters), and hierarchical classification. The lesson is intended for one, two-hour meeting with students majoring in Biological Sciences. Small groups are given a series of photographs and illustrations depicting representative bat families and their external anatomical features. Morphological characters are then scored as being either ancestral or derived for each taxon. Students then build two cladograms using this data and then perform character mapping onto a modified bat tree. The goal of this activity is for students to develop both a deeper understanding of bat classification and core knowledge of cladistic methods.

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DeeDee Wright onto Animal Bio

Mutualism and Coevolution of Agave and Bats

In this module, students will investigate the mutualistic relationship between Agave its bat pollinators and the effects of coevolution on the morphological adaptations of the species involved.

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DeeDee Wright onto Animal Bio

Human Evolution for Secondary and College Students

This module is made up of four concepts. The goal of the first concept is to elicit an understanding of primate relatedness, phylogeny, and how specific characteristics are beneficial for life in an arboreal environment. The next concept explains the overarching trends in hominin evolution and the selective pressures that encouraged their development. Concept three examines specific fossils and the characteristics that are associated with them. This concept serves to provide a timeline of hominin evolution. The final concept encourages students to understand characteristics in the hominin lineage and how they relate to social behaviors. This concept ends by driving home the point that evolution is a dynamic and continual process.

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DeeDee Wright onto Animal Bio

The Tactile Clade Race

This adaptation of the Vertebrate Clade Race provides a tactile approach to introduce basic tree reading skills for evolutionary phylogenies. Using a Universal Design for Learning informed approach, the variation makes the activity accessible for students who are blind or low-vision and streamlines the activity for all students, while retaining the original learning goals. After completing this group activity, students should be familiar with basic terminology and how to "read" a phylogenetic tree.

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DeeDee Wright onto Animal Bio