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  1. A BioGraphy of Life: How Graph Theory Makes Mathematics Recognizable, Relevant, and Research-Rich in Biology Education

    11 Oct 2016 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): John R Jungck

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: use graphs extensively in ecology, evolution, genetics, developmental biology, and biochemistry: phylogenetic trees, food webs, pedigrees, genetic networks, metabolic pathways,...

  2. A collaborative approach to quantitative biology course reform: It's better than doing it all by yourself

    19 Jul 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Jeremy M Wojdak

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: is the abstract of an oral presentation given at the Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA in 2015. "Faculty often experience two distinct problems as...

  3. A Framework for Modeling to Encourage Interdisciplinary Conversations

    11 Oct 2016 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Carrie Diaz Eaton

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: we present a framework for thinking about what models and modeling are, particularly to other disciplines. We encourage that differing disciplinary approaches are seen as part of a...

  4. A Framework for Teaching Modeling to Biologists

    10 Oct 2016 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Drew LaMar

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: are the modeling skills and metacognitive strategies of importance for the life sciences? In this talk, we describe a teaching and learning framework around modeling...

  5. A New Hub for QUBES based on the HUBzero Platform

    26 Jul 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Michael McLennan

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES) Consortium has a mission to connect educators across biology and mathematics with each other and with the latest...

  6. A Walk Through the Woods

    09 Jul 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Jerome Chave, David Coomes, Steven Jansen, Simon L. Lewis, Nathan G. Swenson, Amy E. Zanne, Gaby Lopez-gonzales, J Illic, RB Miller, MC Wiemann, Samantha Swauger

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: density data used in this activity are derived from: Zanne AE, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Coomes DA, Ilic J, Jansen S, Lewis SL, Miller RB, Swenson NG, Wiemann MC, Chave J (2009) Data from:...

  7. Avida-ED

    06 Oct 2017 | Software (Off-site) | Contributor(s): Robert T Pennock, Diane Blackwood

         This resource has been updated - find the current version here: is an award-winning educational application developed at Michigan State University...

  8. Avida-ED Lab Book Summer 2017

    27 Jul 2017 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Wendy Johnson, Cory Kohn, Amy Lark, Louise Mead, Robert T Pennock, Jim Smith, Michael James Wiser

    The Summer 2017 version of the Avida-ED Lab Manual includes the addition of an exercise that covers genetic drift (Exercise 4: Exploring Population Change Without Selection) 

  9. Avida-ED Lab Book Summer 2017

    27 Jul 2017 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Wendy Johnson, Cory Kohn, Amy Lark, Louise Mead, Robert T Pennock, Jim Smith, Michael James Wiser

    The Summer 2017 version of the Avida-ED Lab Manual includes the addition of an exercise that covers genetic drift (Exercise 4: Exploring Population Change Without Selection) 

  10. Avida-ED User Manual

    07 Jun 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Diane Blackwood

    Basic User manual to use Avida-ED

  11. Biomathematics education from the viewpoint of graduate biology

    21 Oct 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Alexis White

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: and mathematics in early education are often presented as two distinct entities. The strength of both disciplines becomes highlighted when combined to create the cryptic study of...

  12. Biometeorology of Asthma in South Florida: From Statistical Analysis to Mathematical Modeling

    21 Oct 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): David Quesada

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: has emerged as an interdisciplinary field dedicated to the study of the mutual influence between living things and the surrounding environment. Within this field, the study of...

  13. BIOQuest Summer Workshop 2016 – Bissell talk notes

    23 Jun 2016 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Ahrash Bissell

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: title:Distributed creation, community guidance, and OER development: current models and emerging practicesSession description:Open educational resources (OER) encompass teaching,...

  14. BioQUEST: Visual Datasets

    13 Mar 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Ethel Stanley

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: downloadable module features imaginary animals and plants, and is meant to aid students in thinking about questions of evolution, classification, and phylogeny. 

  15. Calculus, Zombies, Community, and QUBES

    25 Aug 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Carrie Diaz Eaton

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: the interface of mathematics and biology emerges not only new research, but also a resurging call for education to meet the demands of this research.  Reports suggest foundational...

  16. Citations

    27 Jul 2017 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Louise Mead, James Smith, Wendy Johnson, Michael Wiser, Robert Pennock, Amy Lark

    We present an inquiry-based curriculum based on the digital evolution platform Avida-ED ( We designed an instructional sequence and lab book consisting of an introduction to Avida-ED and a set of three lessons focused on specific evolutionary concepts. These served to...

  17. Counting the Forest and the Trees: Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES) is a tool for Vision and Change

    27 Jul 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): DorothyBelle Poli

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: and Change stressed the importance of quantitative skills for the future of science in the United States. In response to this plea, biologists and mathematicians came together to...

  18. Data Nuggets - Bringing Real Data into the Classroom to Unearth Students' Quantitative & Inquiry Skills

    22 Jan 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): MK Kjelvik, EH Schultheis

    Data Nuggets are narratives about real research, featuring the principal scientist, that include data students can analyze.   Right now they are aimed at K-12 students, but many topics covered are taught in college courses, and there is no limit to what mathematical or statistical concepts...

  19. IMMERSION Video

    27 Jul 2017 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Alondra Torres-Navarro

  20. Integrating Natural History Collections into Undergraduate Education: Creating the Resources and Growing the Community

    14 Nov 2016 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Anna Monfils, Libby Ellwood, Debra Linton, Molly Phillips, Joseph A. Cook, Joseph Kerski, Tracy Barbaro, Sam S Donovan, Karen Powers, L. Alan Prather, Rob Guralnick

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: history collection specimens and associated data provide unique physical and virtual opportunities to engage students in the practice of science in authentic, place-based lessons. We...