Tags: bioinformatics

All Categories (141-160 of 311)

  1. Robin B Kodner


  2. Matthew Robbins


  3. Module 2: Transcription Part I: From DNA Sequence to Transcription Unit

    25 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Maria Santisteban1, Alexa Sawa2

    1. University of North Carolina - Pembroke 2. College of the Desert

    This module illustrates how a primary transcript (pre-mRNA) is synthesized using a DNA molecule as the template. Students will learn about the importance of the 5' and 3' regions of the gene for...


  4. Module 1: Introduction to the Genome Browser: What is a Gene?

    25 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Joyce Stamm1, Jennifer Kennell2, Wilson Leung3, Leocadia Paliulis4, Srebrenka Robic5, Anne Rosenwald6

    1. University of Evansville 2. Vassar College 3. Washington University in St. Louis 4. Bucknell University 5. Agnes Scott College 6. Georgetown University

    This lesson introduces the University of California Santa Cruz genome browser to students, walking them through some of the key features so that it can be used for analysis of gene structure.


  5. GEA Introductory lesson on RNA-Seq

    25 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jason Williams1, Judy Brusslan2, Ray Enke3, Matthew Escobar4, Vince Buonaccorsi5

    1. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 2. California State University Long Beach 3. James Madison University 4. California State University San Marcos 5. Juniata College

    This RNA-Seq lesson uses the CyVerse VICE Platform and Jupyter notebooks to examine the expression of the leptin gene in samples from a mouse experimental design evaluating diet (high-fat vs....


  6. GEA Introductory lesson on BLAST

    25 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Justin DiAngelo1, Alexis Nagengast2, Wilson Leung3, Douglas L Chalker3

    1. Penn State Berks 2. Widener University 3. Washington University in St. Louis

    The "Introduction to BLAST using Human Leptin" exercise aims to introduce students to the use of the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) to identify related sequences and compare similarity...


  7. Genome Solver: Building faculty skills in bioinformatics

    23 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Vinayak Mathur1, Gaurav Arora2, Vinodh Ganesan3, Hita Gupta4, Mariana Kazarian5, Anne Rosenwald6

    1. Cabrini University 2. Gallaudet University 3. Temple University 4. Conestoga High School 5. Horace Mann School 6. Georgetown University

    Genome Solver (GS) began in 2011 as an NSF-funded project for faculty training in basic web-based bioinformatics skills.


  8. Integration of Bioinformatics into Life Science Curricula: Community Development, Dissemination, and Assessment of a NIBLSE Learning Resource

    23 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Adam Kleinschmit1, Rachel Cook2, Barbara Murdoch3, Elizabeth F Ryder4, William Tapprich5

    1. University of Dubuque 2. Fairmont State University 3. Eastern Connecticut State University 4. Worcester Polytechnic Institute 5. University of Nebraska-Omaha

    Big data and computational tools have transformed the way we address biological questions. To prepare undergraduates for tomorrow’s challenges, life science curricula should integrate the...


  9. The Network for Integrating Bioinformatics into Life Sciences Education (NIBLSE): Barriers to Integration

    23 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Anne Rosenwald1, Elizabeth Dinsdale2, William Morgan3, Mark A. Pauley4, William Tapprich5, Eric Triplett6, Jason Williams7

    1. Georgetown University 2. San Diego State University 3. The College of Wooster 4. University of Nebraska at Omaha 5. University of Nebraska-Omaha 6. University of Florida 7. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

    The Network for Integrating Bioinformatics into Life Sciences Education (NIBLSE) seeks to promote the use of bioinformatics and data science as a way to teach biology.


  10. Incubators: Building community networks and developing open educational resources to integrate bioinformatics into life sciences education

    23 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By William Morgan1, Sam S Donovan2, Hayley Orndorf2, Sabrina Robertson3, Elizabeth F Ryder4, Michael Sierk5, Anne Rosenwald6, Elizabeth Dinsdale7, Eric Triplett8, Mark Pauley9, William Tapprich10

    1. The College of Wooster 2. University of Pittsburgh 3. NC State 4. Worcester Polytechnic Institute 5. Saint Vincent College 6. Georgetown University 7. San Diego State University 8. University of Florida 9. National Science Foundation 10. University of Nebraska-Omaha

    To efficiently and effectively integrate bioinformatics instruction into undergraduate life science curricula, educators would benefit from open access, high-quality learning resources (LRs) for...


  11. Making bioinformatics tools classroom-friendly

    23 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jason Williams, Wilson Leung1, Cornel Ghiban2

    1. Washington University in St. Louis 2. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

    Poster on using Cyverse resources to make classroom that make using bioinformatics in the classroom a more manageable experience presented at the 2020 BIOME Institute: Cultivating Scientific Curiosity


  12. Introduction to nucleotide sequence analysis and protein modeling in MEGA and PyMol using coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

    18 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Maria Shumskaya1, Nicholas Lorusso2

    1. Kean University 2. University of North Texas at Dallas

    Introduction into computational approaches in phylogeny and protein modeling based on coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (caused COVID-19 pandemic). Two self-guided tutorials for standard lab classes of 2.5...


  13. Steven M Caruso


  14. Christine Girtain

    I am the Director of Authentic Science Research at Toms River HS North & Toms River HS South. I have been teaching for 26 years at HS South. I have taught Biology, Earth Science, and Authentic...


  15. Brian J Gadd


  16. Rob Denton


  17. Rob Denton


  18. Yeti or not: Do they exist?

    14 May 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Keith Johnson

    Bradley University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

    Through this 2-part bioinformatics case study, students will be led through the forensic analysis of putative Yeti artifacts based on published findings.


  19. Arianna Krinos


  20. Needleman - Wunsch Algorithm Exercise

    22 Apr 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Michael Sierk1, Sam S Donovan2, Neal Grandgenett, Bill Morgan3, Mark A. Pauley4, Elizabeth F Ryder5

    1. Saint Vincent College 2. University of Pittsburgh 3. The College of Wooster 4. University of Nebraska at Omaha 5. Worcester Polytechnic Institute

    This exercise is used in a sophomore-junior level bioinformatics course. The algorithm is introduced to the students who then complete the exercise.
