Tags: ecology

Teaching Materials (41-60 of 156)

  1. Distributions CURE- Exploring Species Distribution Changes and their Drivers

    24 Aug 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Tiffany Marie Doan1, Tanya Dewey2, John Carroll3, Liz Alter4

    1. New College of Florida 2. Colorado State University and the Animal Diversity Web (animaldiversity.org) 3. Georgia Southern University 4. CSUMB

    This course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) uses digitized natural history collections data to answer questions about species distributions and their drivers. This inclusive CURE can...


  2. Using drones for conservation work with Eben Broadbent

    01 Jul 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Eben Broadbent1, Megan Seifert2

    1. University of Florida 2. Headwaters Science Institute

    Eben N. Broadbent, PhD, is an assistant professor of forest ecology & geomatics in the School of Forest Resources and Conservation at the University of Florida, with a PhD in Biology (Ecology &...


  3. Using Grassy Narrows in a Live Classroom with Clicker Questions and Interactive Histogram: Sampling Distributions, Probability, and Hypothesis Testing

    24 May 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jonathan Andrew Akin

    Northwestern State University of Louisiana

    Students are introduced to concepts of sampling distributions, p-values, and hypothesis testing. Using both simulated and real data for methylmercury level in fish populations, students will...


  4. 1-139-PlantsVsHerbivores-ModeliongScenario

    22 May 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Mary Vanderschoot

    Wheaton College, Wheaton IL USA

    In this activity, students will apply a variety of techniques for analyzing nonlinear systems (e.g., nullclines, linearization, and technologies for drawing phase portraits) to study...


  5. 1-143-PopulationModelVariationsMATLAB-ModelingScenario

    22 May 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By William (Bill) Skerbitz

    Students will walk through a detailed derivation and review of basic population models (exponential and logistic) to create and understand variations of those models.


  6. 6-026-IsleRoyaleModeling-ModelingScenario

    17 May 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Stephen Morse1, Brian Allen1, Stanley Florkowski1

    United States Military Academy, West Point, NY USA

    The primary aim of this project is to draw a connection between differential equations and vector calculus, using population ecology modeling as a vehicle.


  7. The Influence of Exotic Plant Invasion on Pollinator Abundance

    11 May 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Maxcy Nicole Hill

    Virginia Commonwealth University

    This lesson introduces two global change factors, natural habitat loss and exotic plant invasion, and analyzes how these stressors impact the biodiversity and abundance of pollinator species....


  8. River and Tree health of the Truckee River Basin with Noelle Patterson

    10 May 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Noelle Patterson

    University of California, Davis

    Today we are highlighting our talk with Ph.D. student Noelle Patterson discussing watersheds, the history of the Truckee River Basin, and the health of Cottonwoods in the region.


  9. Fluoxetine and Crab Behavior: Multiple Linear Regression

    09 May 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Leah Shotwell

    This publication explores the behavioral influence of pharmaceutical pollution on a species of estuarine crab. Fluoxetine is a commonly prescribed, fairly effective anti-depressant and anti-anxiety...


  10. 10-100-InsectOutbreaks-ModelingScenario

    09 May 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jacob Duncan

    Winona State University, Winona MN USA

    We use a system of difference equations that incorporates a temperature-dependent MPB population growth rate to model the outbreak and recovery cycle in mountain pine beetle-infested forests.


  11. Are you teaching biostatistics with R? Suggestions to help you as work with your students.

    04 May 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Olivia Tabares

    Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

    Teaching students how to code and analyze data in R is important for the fields of biology and ecology. Olivia Tabares and the Ecological Forecasting Education Working Group created this resource...


  12. Topics in Restoration Ecology: Restoring the Red Wolf in North Carolina

    02 Apr 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Zoë Swartley

    Worcester Polytechnic Institute

    The planet’s most endangered wolf is the red wolf, with only one wild population, a nonessential experimental group established in eastern North Carolina, of 15-17 individuals in existence as of...


  13. Ecological Forecasting Repository of Online Educational Resources

    18 Dec 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Alyssa Willson, Jody Peters1

    University of Notre Dame

    This pdf provides a list of over 100 educational resources related to tools and skills related to ecological forecasting.


  14. Are you teaching biostatistics with R? Suggestions to help you as work with your students.

    16 Dec 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Olivia Tabares-Mendoza

    Teaching students how to code and analyze data in R is important for the fields of biology and ecology. Olivia Tabares and the Ecological Forecasting Education Working Group created this resource...


  15. Moths and Frogs and E. coli, Oh My!: Agent-based Modeling of Evolutionary Systems

    03 Nov 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Alexis Garretson*1, Lorelei D. Crerar1

    George Mason University

    In evolution classrooms, introducing and reinforcing the idea of genetic drift and random selection can be challenging, as can be reinforcing appropriate mental models of evolution. Agent-based...


  16. Exploring Marine Primary Productivity with Descriptive Statistics and Graphing in Excel

    02 Sep 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Marina McLeod1, Jennifer Olson1, Wendy Houston1

    Everett Community College

    In this activity, students use real water chemistry data and descriptive statistics in Excel to examine primary productivity in an urban estuary of the Salish Sea. They will consider how actual...


  17. Sorry to Eat and Run: A Lesson Plan for Testing Trade-off in Squirrel Behavior Using Giving Up Densities (GUDs)

    30 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Christopher J. Yahnke*1, Laurie Dizney2, Johanna Varner3, Jennifer Duggan4, Hayley C. Lanier5, Liesl P. Erb6, Elizabeth A. Flaherty7, Patrice K. Connors3, John D. Hanson8

    1. University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point 2. University of Portland 3. Colorado Mesa University 4. California State University, Monterey Bay 5. University of Oklahoma 6. Warren Wilson College 7. Purdue University 8. Institute for Biodiversity Research and Education

    All animals need to find and compete for food, shelter, and mates in order to survive and reproduce. They also need to avoid being eaten by predators. Optimal foraging theory provides a framework...


  18. An Introduction to the Squirrel-Net Teaching Modules

    30 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Laurie Dizney*1, Patrice K. Connors2, Johanna Varner2, Jennifer M. Duggan3, Hayley C. Lanier4, Liesl P. Erb5, Elizabeth A. Flaherty6, Christopher J. Yahnke7, John D. Hanson8

    1. University of Portland 2. Colorado Mesa University 3. California State University, Monterey Bay 4. University of Oklahoma 5. Warren Wilson College 6. Purdue University 7. University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point 8. Institute for Biodiversity Research and Education

    Although course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) are gaining popularity in biology, most are designed for benchwork-based laboratory courses while few focus on field-based skills....


  19. Biodiversity Show and Tell: An Accessible Activity to Encourage Students to Explore the Tree of Life

    29 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Sarah R. Stockwell*1, Jessica A. Davids1

    University of California San Diego

    An appreciation of organismal diversity is a requirement for understanding evolution and ecology, and can serve as a source of amazement and wonder that inspires students to enjoy biology. However,...


  20. Exploring Species Interactions with "Snapshot Serengeti"

    29 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Meredith S. Palmer*1, Charlie Willis2, Katherine Barry2, Craig Packer2, Annika Moe2, Deena Wassenberg2

    1. Princeton University 2. University of Minnesota

    Authentic learning experiences are a valuable way for students to gain an in-depth understanding of the scientific process. However, implementing such experiences in large enrollment courses can be...
