Tags: graph interpretation

Resources (1-20 of 22)

  1. Introduction to Climate Change: Why we should care

    29 Aug 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Julia Kachanova1, Sarah Emery1

    University of Louisville

    In this lesson, students cover the basics of climate change, interpret and predict several graphs that explain climate change scenarios under different treatment options, and reflect on an...


  2. The Impact of Climate Change on Sea Hare Respiration

    22 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Desiree Forsythe1, Richelle Tanner2

    1. Santa Clara University 2. Chapman University

    In this lesson, students interpret graphs of sea hare respiration. Then, students view and reflect on an interview with environmental scientist Dr. Richelle Tanner, who collected the data in the...


  3. Cancer Genetics and an Interview with a Deaf Biomedical Researcher

    11 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Derek Braun1, Megan Majocha2

    1. Gallaudet University 2. Georgetown University / National Institutes of Health

    In this lesson, learners will learn about cancer genetics and understand and interpret graphs showing quantitative trait locus (QTL) data, survivor curve data, and other genetics data. Then,...


  4. Let me in: Interpreting graphs of parasite infection in red blood cells

    04 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Angel Kongsomboonvech1, Catherine Takizawa2

    1. Stanford University 2. Quinnipiac University

    The goal of this activity is to familiarize students with reading graphs, to think about how cells are different from one another and how parasites can take advantage of cell surface markers to...


  5. BioGraphI Interview Invitation (Sample Message) - Google Docs

    02 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Suann Yang1, Merrie Renee Richardson2, Kristen Butela3, Rachel Pigg4

    1. SUNY Geneseo 2. Southcentral Kentucky Community & Technical College 3. University of Pittsburgh 4. University of Louisville

    This document contains templates that help curriculum developers correspond with potential interviewees for the Biologist and Graph Interpretation (BioGraphI) Network. Each interview is featured in...


  6. BioGraphI Considerations for Selecting a Potential Interviewee - Google Docs

    02 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Suann Yang1, Merrie Renee Richardson2

    1. SUNY Geneseo 2. Southcentral Kentucky Community & Technical College

    This document includes resources and advice to help curriculum developers choose a scientist to interview for the Biologist and Graph Interpretation (BioGraphI) Network. Each interview is featured...


  7. Instructions for access to BioGraphI PrePost-Lesson Student Survey - Google Docs

    02 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Suann Yang1, Rachel M. Pigg2

    1. State University of New York College at Geneseo 2. University of Louisville

    This document contains instructions for curriculum developers to invite students to complete a survey before and following their participation in curriculum produced by the Biologists and Graph...


  8. BioGraphI Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Tool - Google Docs

    02 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Rachel M. Pigg1, Kristen Butela2, Robert E Furrow3, Elizabeth Hamman4, Dmitry Kondrashov5, Sheela Vemu6

    1. University of Louisville 2. University of Pittsburgh 3. University of California, Davis 4. St Mary's College of Maryland 5. University of Chicago 6. Waubonsee Community College

    This document contains the student learning outcomes that guide the development of curriculum produced by the Biologists and Graph Interpretation (BioGraphI) Network and the survey instrument used...


  9. Graphing Techniques for Introductory Microbiology

    14 May 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Arunachalam Muthaiyan

    University of New Mexico - Gallup

    This module will introduce the introductory microbiology students to graphing skills to visualize and interpret the data to investigate the effect of environmental factor (temperature) on bacterial...


  10. When food gets scarce: how plant-pollinator interactions will shift under global change

    07 May 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Emma Throneburg1, Connor Morozumi1

    University of Louisville

    In this lesson, students review plant-pollinator interactions and global change concepts. Next, students interpret graphs of pollinator visitation data to Scarlet Gilia. Then, students view and...


  11. Agents of change: Determining effects of pollution on marine environments through data interpretation

    29 Feb 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Eilea Knotts1, Rachel Leads2

    1. University of South Carolina 2. Michigan State University

    In this lesson, students discuss the effects of disturbance in marine environments with a focus on pollution. They also evaluate the anthropogenic causes and consequences of pollution on a variety...


  12. Antibiotic Resistance of Bacterial Soil Isolates and Biofilm Production

    19 Dec 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Stephanie Mathews1, Danielle Graham2

    1. North Carolina State University 2. Fayetteville State Univesity

    In this lesson, learners will hear about research that focuses on bacterial antibiotic resistance and biofilm production. Students will see how antibiotic resistance is measured and interpret a...


  13. Unveiling Lizard Evolution: Graphical Insights into Behavioral Ecology in the Era of Climate Change

    26 Jul 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Min Zhong1, Daniel Warner2

    1. The University of Texas at Austin 2. Auburn University

    This lesson targets entry-level undergraduate students to enhance their proficiency in comprehending and interpreting scientific graphs. The lesson incorporates group discussions centered around...


  14. Defenses against predation: Interpreting graphs of predator behavior

    21 Jul 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jennifer Schafer1, Lynette Strickland2

    1. Winthrop University 2. Boston University

    In this lesson, students discuss anti-predator defense mechanisms and the types of cues defenses provide to predators. Students then interpret graphs of behavior of arthropod predators when...


  15. Count me in: Increasing early detection of invasive species with community science

    18 Jul 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Suann Yang1, Jennifer Dean2

    1. SUNY Geneseo 2. New York Natural Heritage Program (SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry)

    In this lesson, students interpret a map of species occurrences. Then, students view and reflect on an interview with biologist Dr. Jennifer Dean, whose research includes the map that they...


  16. How We Help: Human elements of restoration ecology

    10 Jun 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Sophia Anner1, Anna Sher2

    1. University of Louisville 2. University of Denver

    In this lesson, students recall the basics of restoration ecology, interpret and predict several graphs that explain restoration manager characteristics, and reflect on an interview with...


  17. Biodiversity Counts! Making sense of diversity metrics and graphs

    09 Jun 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Ana Elisa Garcia Vedrenne1, Maria Rebolleda Gomez1

    University of California, Irvine

    In this lesson students 1) become familiar with various graphs that are used to study diversity patterns within and across sites, 2) learn about some of the questions that can be addressed by...


  18. From Nano to Life: Interpreting graphs from Nanopore sequencing of bacterial genomes

    31 May 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Carlos C. Goller1, Carly Sjogren1, Jason Williams2

    1. North Carolina State University 2. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

    In this lesson, learners meet several scientists working on sustainable ways of recycling discarded electronics. Through an interactive H5P activity, participants watch videos and complete a series...


  19. BioGraphI Interview Questions - Google Docs

    29 Dec 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Rachel Pigg1, Suann Yang2

    1. University of Louisville 2. State University of New York College at Geneseo

    This document contains and describes the interview questions used in interviews conducted by the Biologist and Graph Interpretation (BioGraphI) Network. Curriculum developers use it to prepare for...


  20. An Overview of the Biologists and Graph Interpretation Project

    06 Oct 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Suann Yang1, Rachel Pigg2

    1. State University of New York College at Geneseo 2. University of Louisville

    Biologists and Graph Interpretation (BioGraphI) is an NSF Research Coordination Network of faculty who work collaboratively to increase student persistence in biology through improving...
