Tags: phylogenetics

All Categories (1-20 of 72)

  1. Julia Parreiras


  2. Case Study: Genetic Variation and Speciation in the Black Tailed Rattlesnake complex (Crotalus molossus)

    23 Feb 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Julie Marie Schlichte1, Eli Greenbaum2, Vicky Zhuang

    1. The University of Texas at El Paso 2. University of Texas at El Paso

    It is important for biology students to understand how genetic variation is related to the formation of species in nature. This module is intended for students to obtain first hand experience with...


  3. Genome Solver - A bioinformatics pipeline for community science

    20 Feb 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Vinayak Mathur1, Gaurav Arora2, Anne Rosenwald3

    1. Cabrini University 2. Gallaudet University 3. Georgetown University

    The Genome Solver was an NSF-funded project developed as a way to train undergraduate life science faculty in basic web-based tools for bioinformatics. As part of the project we developed a one-day...


  4. Leon van Eck


  5. Nattapol Kraisitudomsook


  6. Stephanie Blais


  7. Ryan Matthew Caesar


  8. A Phylogenetic Analysis of the Evolution of the CRYAA Gene Across Vertebrates

    09 May 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Srinitha Sridharan1, Daniel Dudek2

    1. Quarry Lane High School 2. Headwaters Science Institute

    Although the divergence of the aA-crystallin protein from other heat shock proteins has been examined, the extent to which the CRYAA gene controlling it has evolved across vertebrate species...


  9. Ekaphan KRAICHAK


  10. Go Extinct! An Award-Winning Evolution Game That Teaches Tree-Thinking as Students Pursue the Winning Strategy

    23 Feb 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Ariel E. Marcy*

    Australian Catholic University

    Evolutionary trees communicate both the diversity and unity of life, a central and important scientific concept, as highlighted by the Vision and Change undergraduate biology education movement....


  11. Emily Rude


  12. The Tactile Clade Race

    12 Dec 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Andrew Osborne Hasley1, J. Phil Gibson2, Kristin Jenkins3

    1. North Carolina State University Biotechnology Program 2. University of Oklahoma 3. BioQUEST

    This adaptation of the Vertebrate Clade Race provides a tactile approach to introduce basic tree reading skills for evolutionary phylogenies. Using a Universal Design for Learning informed...


  13. Abagael West


  14. Drashti Parmar


  15. Sara Fuentes


  16. Elizabeth Jockusch


  17. Introduction to nucleotide sequence analysis and protein modeling in MEGA and PyMol using coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

    03 Feb 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Maria Shumskaya1, Christopher Zambell1, Nicholas Lorusso2

    1. Kean University 2. University of North Texas at Dallas

    Introduction into computational approaches in phylogeny and protein modeling based on coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (caused COVID-19 pandemic). Two self-guided tutorials for standard lab classes of 2.5...


  18. Molly McDonough


  19. What’s the DEAL – The Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life and Digital Atlas Apps

    10 Nov 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jonathan Hendricks1, Bruce Lieberman2

    1. Paleontological Research Institution 2. The University of Kansas

    The Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life and Digital Atlas Apps -- identify fossils and explore diversity and history of life on earth.


  20. Cutthroat trout in Colorado: A case study connecting evolution and conservation

    30 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Sierra M Love Stowell1, Andrew P. Martin1

    University of Colorado Boulder

    Evaluation of evidence is a key process skill for the core competencies of applying the process of science and using quantitative reasoning. This case study enables upper-division biology students...
