Tags: statistics

All Categories (101-120 of 163)

  1. Statistics for Biologists

    30 Oct 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Magdalena Skipper1, Ritu Dhand1, Helen Pearson1, Francesca Cesari1


    There is no disputing the importance of statistical analysis in biological research, but too often it is considered only after an experiment is completed, when it may be too late.


  2. OpenIntro

    29 Oct 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Divid Diez1, Chris Barr1, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel2

    1. OpenIntro 2. Duke University

    OpenIntro was started with one goal in mind: create a free and open-source introductory textbook.


  3. A Very Basic Tutorial for Performing Linear Mixed Effects Analyses: Tutorial 2

    20 Oct 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Bodo Winter

    University of California, Merced

    The second of two tutorials that introduce you to linear and linear mixed models. This tutorial serves as a quick boot camp to jump-start your own analyses with linear mixed effects models.


  4. Linear Models and Linear Mixed Effects in R: Tutorial 1

    20 Oct 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Bodo Winter

    University of California, Merced

    The first of two tutorials that introduce you to linear and linear mixed models.


  5. Project MOSAIC

    20 Oct 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Daniel Kaplan1, Karl-Dieter Crisman2, Nicholas Horton3, Eric Marland4, Randall Pruim5

    1. Macalester College 2. Gordon College 3. Amherst College 4. Appalachian State University 5. Calvin College

    Our goal: Provide a broader approach to quantitative studies that provides better support for work in science and technology.


  6. Anna M Tucker


  7. statsTeachR

    11 Sep 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Nicholas G. Reich1, Andrea S. Foulkes1, Harrel Blatt1, Eric A. Cohen1, Gregory Matthews1

    University of Massachusetts

    statsTeachR is an open-access, online repository of modular lesson plans, a.k.a. "modules", for teaching statistics using R at the undergraduate and graduate level.


  8. SUMS4Bio - Video tutorials in math and stats for biology students

    22 Aug 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jeremy M Wojdak1, Caleb Adams1, Dan Metz1

    Radford University

    Links to videos and pdf tutorials for core mathematical and statistical concepts used in biology


  9. Hao Tsui


  10. James S. Santangelo


  11. David William Jacobson


  12. Danilo Diedrichs


  13. Jessie Oehrlein

    I am statistics & math faculty at Fitchburg State University with a background in atmospheric science and an interest in K-16 math modeling and data literacy education.


  14. Emily Rollinson


  15. Passion-Driven Statistics as a Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE)

    13 Jun 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Lisa Dierker

    Wesleyan University

    Session presentation on passion-driven, project-based experience in statistics at the 2018 QUBES/BioQUEST Summer Workshop


  16. Jason E Miller


  17. Modernizing Statistics Education via Biology Applications

    03 Jan 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Olcay Ackman

    Illinois State University

    Part of the 2015 SMB Minisymposium: Topics in Biomathematics Education


  18. AIMS- Analyzing Images to learn Mathematics and Statistics - studying leaf cutter ants to learn linear regression

    03 Jan 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jeremy M Wojdak

    Radford University

    This is a teaching resource that uses fascinating images and videos of leaf cutter ants foraging in Panama to provide an engaging context for students to learn about mathematics and statistics.


  19. Natalie Madeleine Howe


  20. John J McGee
