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  • Created 11 Sep 2019

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Biology Students Math Attitudes and Anxiety Program

Using the Biology Students Math Attitudes and Anxiety Program (BIOMAAP) and Universal Design for Learning practices to increase students’ confidence and skills in quantitative biology

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  • Implement strategies and ready-to-use teaching materials to affect math attitudes and anxiety across general themes such as metacognition, growth mindset, learning progressions, model thinking, and data visualization.
  • Analyze existing alignment between the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework and BIOMAAP materials.
  • Apply Universal Design for Learning principles to BIOMAAP materials and your curriculum.
  • Establish learning environments that are accessible and appropriately challenging for all students.  


Final Products

Students use their number sense to make observations and explain or guess at patterns shown, discussing in a weekly online Q&A forum.
graphs, online learning, math anxiety, online forum, math attitudes, Resources @ BIOMAAP, Interpreting Graphs, discussion forum, Comparative genomics

Value of Mistakes. Making Mistakes Using R

Staci Neas Johnson

Version: 1.0 Adapted From: Value of Mistakes v1.0

This module allows students to frame mistakes and frustrations during their first introduction to R in terms of improved learning and growth mindset.
growth mindset, math attitudes, Resources @ BIOMAAP, mistakes, value of mistakes

Figure of the Day: Identifying Ambiguity and Biases in Data Figures

Raisa Hernández-Pacheco

Version: 1.0 Adapted From: Figure of the Day v1.0

The adaptation focuses on presenting figures with all the information in their axes. However, such figures present a medium level of quality to encourage students to discuss conceptually in groups and come up with suggestions on how to improve them.
graphs, math attitudes, Resources @ BIOMAAP, Interpreting Graphs