
"Science Education and Academia" 6 posts Sort by created date Sort by defined ordering View as a grid View as a list

From panic to pedagogy: Using online active learning to promote inclusive instruction in ecology and evolutionary biology courses and beyond

Harris, B.N., P.C. McCarthy, A.M. Wright, H. Schutz, K.S. Boersma, S.L. Shepherd, L.A. Manning, 2020. From panic to pedagogy: Using online active learning to promote inclusive instruction in ecology and evolutionary biology courses and beyond. Ecology and Evolution 10: 12581–12612. 

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Cultivating inclusive instructional and research environments in ecology and evolutionary science

Emery, N.C., Bledsoe, E.K., Hasley, A.O. and Eaton, C.D., 2020. Cultivating inclusive instructional and research environments in ecology and evolutionary science. Ecology and Evolution. 

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Reimagining publics and (non) participation: Exploring exclusion from science communication through the experiences of low-income, minority ethnic groups

Dawson, E. 2018. Reimagining publics and (non) participation: Exploring exclusion from science communication through the experiences of low-income, minority ethnic groups. Public Understanding of Science 27: 772–786. 

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“Not designed for us”: How science museums and science centers socially exclude low‐income, minority ethnic groups

Dawson, E. 2014. “Not designed for us”: How science museums and science centers socially exclude low‐income, minority ethnic groups. Science Education 98: 981–1008. 

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Equity in informal science education: developing an access and equity framework for science museums and science centres

Dawson, E. 2014. Equity in informal science education: developing an access and equity framework for science museums and science centres. Studies in Science Education 50: 209–247. 

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Undergraduate Research Experiences Broaden Diversity in the Scientific Workforce

This paper uses a large-scale, 10-year, longitudinal, multi-institutional, propensity-score-matched research design to compare the academic performance and persistence in science of students who participated in URE(s) with those of similar students who had no research experience. 

Hernandez, P.R., A. Woodcock, M. Estrada, and P.W. Schultz. 2018. Undergraduate research experiences broaden diversity in the scientific workforce. BioScience 68: 204–211. 

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