• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 23 Jun 2016

From left to right: Joan Sharp, Sarah Prescott, Lisa Turnbull, Justin Pruneski, Hayley Lam, Nate Beres, Stacey Kiser

EEE - Evaluating Students' Abilities to Evaluate Evidence

EEE is a working group branching from the 2016 National Academies Special Topics Summer Institute on Quantitative Biology. 

Design Rubric -Developing a rubric framework for teaching the components of evaluating evidence.  
Create Activities - Scaffolding activities that support the development of different aspects of evidence evaluation. 
Implementation - Using the activities in projects across disciplines and levels.
Assessment - Looking at strategies to assess the effectiveness of activities and rubric. 
Reflection, Revision and Dissemination 


If you would like to know more about this group, please request membership. 

The EEE Group Lead Facilitator is Lisa Turnbull

The EEE Group Assessment Facilitator is Joan Sharp

The EEE Group Technical Facilitator is Sarah Prescott

The EEE Group QUBES Liaison is Stacey Kiser

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