SimBio FMN (2016)
FMN Schedule
April 8 and April 15 - Informational Webinars
Join us for an introduction to the Faculty Mentoring Network and SimUText Ecology and get all your questions answered.
Registration Closed.
April 24 Application Deadline
Applications no longer being accepted for this Faculty Mentoring Network.
July 18, 19, and 20th Online Kick-off Meetings on QUBESHub
We will meet for 2 hours (1 - 3PM Eastern; 10 - Noon Pacific) each day to launch our Faculty Mentoring Network. These will be working meetings during which participants will learn about and use both SimUText Ecology™ and active-learning strategies. Participants will begin working with their mentors on their adaptations during this meeting.
Summer 2016 Development Phase
Following the kickoff meetings, participants will work in small groups with three to five colleagues to further develop their classroom implementation plan and place-based learning adaptations. QUBESHub will provide space to share ideas, materials, and resources with the small groups and the larger group. Groups will meet every other week for one hour to update one another.
Fall 2016 Implementation Phase
Participants will continue to work with their mentors and small groups to implement their modules. Participants will continue to meet every other week for one hour. Meetings will include sharing video recordings of classroom implementations and constructive feedback on the active learning component of the implementation.
Sharing Final Products
QUBESHub provides private space for the group to develop and discuss issues during the Development and Implementation phases. At the end of the project, participants will work with SimBio to publicly share successful adaptations of activities and any other useful output of the workshop on SimBio websites with links from QUBESHub. Participants will receive credit as appropriate for these publications.