Greetings from Lou Gross

  1. Lou Gross

    I look forward to learning from participants and sharing my experiences over many decades in encouraging a diversity of approaches to quantitative education in the life sciences. I have spent  many years developing materials including: a set of modules that have been linked through the QUBES project to the Biology 2e OER textbook through Openstax, a major textbook for entry-level students - Mathematics for the Life Sciences published by Princeton University Press. I've also ran a host of workshops and tutorials in various venues in math biology education, and was a member of the NASEM Committee on Envisioning the Data Science Discipline: the Undergraduate Perspective. 

    It has been a joy to be associated with BioQuest for many years and to have helped "birth" QUBES. Through NIMBioS we have fostered quite a few projects related to education and I fully expect these to continue across multiple educational levels due to the many outstanding researchers and educations we have supported. 

    Finally, I'd be happy to share experiences with some of my other interests including concert sound engineering and dancing (contra, English country, Morris, swing).



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  2. Jennifer Glee Buntz


    Though I have attended the summer workshop for the past two years, I wasn't that familiar with your contributions.  Thanks to you and everyone else who has made this experience possible.  I am interested specifically in those modules for the OpenStax Biology 2e since I'm piloting that book this fall in our BIO for majors course.

    Looking forward to the week,


    CNM Biology Faculty

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