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  • Created 08 Aug 2022

Fall Working Groups

Our 2023 BIOME Institute Fall Working groups are now complete! All working groups and members are summarized on the Working Group Page. Projects are lightweight workspaces where working groups can communicate and collaborate throughout the fall. At the conclusion of the fall semester, groups were asked to create a short lightning talk to showcase the work that was done throughout the semester. You can check them out below!


Assessing Collaboration and Leadership Skills with Project Leadership


Revealing Hidden Figures in Natural History Collections

Revealing Hidden Figures in Natural History Collections Working Group 2023 Update!

Adania Flemming, Dr Pankaj Mehrotra, Jennifer Kovacs, Karina Sanchez, Molly Allison Phillips, Mary Mulcahy, Shawn Elizabeth Zeringue-Krosnick, Makenzie Mabry, Siobhan Leachman, Jennifer Girón

Version: 1.0

Our 2023 BIOME Lightning Presentation sharing updates from the Hidden Figures Working Group including the first two published modules!
social justice, natural history collections, hidden figures, biome23, biome2023


Using and Abusing AI



Podcasting in STEM Education