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Assessment of CUREs BIOME Institute 2020 Report Out

Author(s): Mentewab Ayalew1, Holly Basta2, John Howard Starnes3, Mark Osterlund4, Emily Ward5, Marcie Warner6, Molly Phillips7

1. Spelman College 2. Rock Mountain College 3. Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College 4. Rocky Mountain College 5. University of Colorado Boulder 6. University of Pittsburgh 7. iDigBio, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida

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This is a video summary of the progress to date and individual plans for the Assessment of CUREs Working Group as part of 2020 BIOME Institute. …


This is a video summary of the progress to date and individual plans for the Assessment of CUREs Working Group as part of 2020 BIOME Institute. ...

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 19 Nov 2020 doi:10.25334/FYMM-QK73 - cite this


This is a video summary of the progress to date and individual plans for the Assessment of CUREs Working Group as part of 2020 BIOME Institute. Our group was interested in examining: 

How can we equitably assess UREs across courses, disciplines, and levels? Can we assess CUREs by the same metrics as independent research? Can UREs be used to assess core competencies like critical thinking, communication, etc.?

  • Discuss common learning outcomes across programs/disciplines
  • Review published assessment instruments for potential use in our programs
  • Discuss and review different courses and draft plans for assessment

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