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CC-CURE Report Out from the BIOME 2020 Institute

Author(s): Caroline DeVan1, Eric Dyreson2, Gabriela Florido3, Joanna Werner-Fraczek3, Joseph Eason2, Kasey Nguyen3, Katie Bjornen2, Kristin Jenkins4, Kyla Flanagan, Maria Stanko1, Mary Konsolaki1, Michelle Anderson5, Sam S Donovan6

1. New Jersey Institute of Technology 2. University of Montana Western 3. Moreno Valley College 4. BioQUEST 5. The University of Montana Western 6. University of Pittsburgh

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This resource includes a collection of videos describing some of the outcomes from the Interdisciplinary and Cross Course CURE working group.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 2.0 - published on 03 Dec 2020 doi:10.25334/76HE-JS80 - cite this


The Interdisciplinary and Cross Course CURE Working group met as part of the BIOME 2020 Institute

Working group members included:

Michelle Anderson, Katie Bjornen, Joseph Eason, Eric Dyreson,
  University of Western Montana

Caroline DeVan, Mary Konsolaki, Maria Stanko
  New Jersey Institute of Technology

Kyla Flanagan - University of Calgary

Gabriela Florido, Kasey Nguyen, Joanna Werner-Fraczek
  Moreno Valley College

Sam Donavan, Kristin Jenkins - Facilitators


CC-CURE Report Out - This is a link to the table of contents for the playlist so that you can select the video you would like to view. 

Introduction to the Interdisciplinary and Cross Course CUREs working group - This is a link that will play all the videos in the playlist.


Version 2.0 includes the video report from the team at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.

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