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Focusing on Civic Engagement: IGELS Tools, Tips, & Strategies to Enhance Undergraduate Biology for Non-majors

Author(s): Davida Smyth1, Tamar Goulet2

1. Texas A&M San Antonio 2. University of Mississippi

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We can help students find relevance when we teach though issues that we experience in our daily lives.​ This workshop session provides an introduction to civic engagement and led participants through developing an outline of an issue they would be…


We can help students find relevance when we teach though issues that we experience in our daily lives.​ This workshop session provides an introduction to civic engagement and led participants through developing an outline of an issue they would be interested in teaching.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 18 Nov 2022 doi:10.25334/EK17-G910 - cite this


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