
Too much of a good thing? Exploring nutrient pollution in streams using bioindicators

Water quality & monitoring; benthic inverts indicators; eutrophication

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Profile picture of Gina Woodard

Gina Woodard onto APES Unit 8

Social Distancing Simulation in NetLogo

public health & epidemiology

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Gina Woodard onto APES Unit 8

How does increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide disrupt ecological systems? Results from FACE experiments across the globe.

This module synthesizes key findings from forested CO2 enrichment experiments over the last 3 decades. Students should have a basic working knowledge of climate change, ecosystem nutrient cycles and plant-fungal relationships to complete the assignment.

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Gina Woodard onto APES Unit 9

Intro to Data Types and Graphing Lab

This is the third lab in an Introductory Physical Geography/Environmental Studies course. It introduces students to different data types (qualitative vs quantitative), basic statistical analyses (correlation analysis s, t-test), and graphing techniques.

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Gina Woodard onto APES data & computation

Understanding COVID-19 Biology to Design a Vaccine

Emphasis on central dogma

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Profile picture of Gina Woodard

Gina Woodard onto Bio IS 4

Vertebrate Clade Race

This activity introduces basic tree reading skills for evolutionary phylogenies. It is designed as a short group activity. After completing this activity, students should be familiar with basic terminology and how to "read" a phylogenetic tree.

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Gina Woodard onto Bio IS 3

The Happy Blue Baby Hemoglobin

This case, about a specific mutant of hemoglobin, focuses on visualizing and understanding the molecular basis of why an infant turned blue soon after birth and how the cyanosis resolved.

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Profile picture of Gina Woodard

Gina Woodard onto Bio IS 4

My Twin Sister Case Study

A young boy wonders why his twin sister can roll his tongue, but he cannot. Case centers on meiosis.

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Profile picture of Gina Woodard

Gina Woodard onto Bio IS 4

Sizes, Scales, and Specialization: An activity highlighting the diversity in cell types

This module explores how cell size and shape varies across cell types in the human body by having students calculate relative proportions of numbers in scientific notation.

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Profile picture of Gina Woodard

Gina Woodard onto Bio IS 5

Understanding COVID-19 Biology to Design a Vaccine - Ethics supplement

The adaptation to Understanding COVID-19 Biology to Design a Vaccine entails two ethics supplements. The first supplement addresses the use of off-label drugs in the pandemic (or other situation). The second supplement addresses wet markets.

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Profile picture of Gina Woodard

Gina Woodard onto COVID-19/Public Health

Redlining and Climate Change

Students examine social justice & equity issues involving climate change

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Profile picture of Gina Woodard

Gina Woodard onto Bio IS 6 / APES Unit 9

Understanding Global Climate Change: Present, Past, and Future

Understanding global climate change through the lenses of the present, past, and future, combining modern technology and indigenous knowledge and ways of knowing.

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Gina Woodard onto Biology: Data Lessons

BioSkills Guide

The BioSkills Guide comprises program- and course-level learning outcomes for the Vision and Change core competencies that elaborate what general biology majors should be able to do by the time they graduate.

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Profile picture of Shivani Sharma

Shivani Sharma onto Skills

Another Information is Beautiful take on COVID 19

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Profile picture of Kristin Jenkins

Kristin Jenkins onto COVID-19/Public Health

Open Pedagogy Notebook

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Profile picture of Maggie Diamond-Stanic

Maggie Diamond-Stanic onto S-JEDI learning community

Whose Knowledge is Reliable? - Siko Bouterse 

Part of OpenCon 2017's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Open Research and Open Education panel.

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Profile picture of Maggie Diamond-Stanic

Maggie Diamond-Stanic onto S-JEDI learning community

Open Pedagogy and Social Justice

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Profile picture of Maggie Diamond-Stanic

Maggie Diamond-Stanic onto S-JEDI learning community

The Key Podcast - Ep 13: Equity and Higher Education Policy

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Profile picture of Maggie Diamond-Stanic

Maggie Diamond-Stanic onto S-JEDI learning community

Centering a Critical Curriculum of Care During Crises

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Profile picture of Maggie Diamond-Stanic

Maggie Diamond-Stanic onto S-JEDI learning community

Tool for Organizational Self-Assessment Related to Racial Equity

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Profile picture of Maggie Diamond-Stanic

Maggie Diamond-Stanic onto S-JEDI learning community

Doing Evaluation Differently

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Profile picture of Maggie Diamond-Stanic

Maggie Diamond-Stanic onto S-JEDI learning community

Can we decolonize OER/Open? #DecolonizeOpen

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Profile picture of Maggie Diamond-Stanic

Maggie Diamond-Stanic onto S-JEDI learning community