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The AIMS (Analyzing Images to learn Mathematics and Statistics) project was founded on the idea that students don't often care much about analysis until they care about the research questions at hand. Most faculty didn't love statistics or modeling either until they themselves had data they worked hard to collect, and desperately wanted to know what those data meant.  We can't have every undergraduate collect a dissertation's worth of data, but we can provide opportunities for them to decide what investigative path to take, and maybe they will subsequently care a bit more about learning and applying statistical approaches in the same way that we did. 

This module focuses on the dendroclimatology - or using tree core images to understand plant growth and relating that to the climate record. The image set and background come from and NSF-funded research project and the work of Stockton Maxwell and colleagues. The materials allow for open inquiry, and for integration with student's local field work (if desired). 

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Stockton Maxwell; Jeremy M Wojdak (2015), "AIMS: Dendroclimatology,"

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