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  1. AIM-UP! Coal balls lesson

    28 Mar 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Monte Garroutte, Jordan Metzgar, Hirotsugu Mori

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: this activity, students learn about ancient plant life and climate change by examining coal balls. In addition to the lesson itself, information is provided on where to purchase coal ball...

  2. Numbers Count!: Statistics course

    28 Mar 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Claudia Neuhauser

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: course in the Numbers Count! curriculum introduces the basics of statistical analysis, including basic definitions, data visualization, and application. 

  3. Java Applets for Power and Sample Size

    10 Mar 2015 | Software (Off-site) | Contributor(s): Russell Lenth

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: the website:This software is intended to be useful in planning statistical studies.  It is not intended to be used for analysis of data that have already been...

  4. Workshop Statistics: Discovery with Data, A Bayesian Approach

    25 Feb 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Jim Albert, Allan Rossman

    From the project website " Workshop Statistics:  Discovery with Data, A Bayesian Approach, Key College Press; ISBN: 1930190123 (coauthored with Allan J. Rossman of Dickinson College) is a collection of classroom and homework activities designed to introduce the student to...

  5. Statistics for biologists

    12 Feb 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: is no disputing the importance of statistical analysis in biological research, but too often it is considered only after an experiment is completed, when it may be too...

  6. RStudio IDE for R

    22 Jan 2015 | Software (On-site)

    RStudio is a GUI for R, the statistical programming language.

  7. SUMS4Bio - Video tutorials in math and stats for biology students

    27 Jan 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Jeremy M Wojdak, Caleb Adams, Daniel Cole Metz

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: website features an array of short video tutorials on ideas covered in Radford University's Math4Bio and Stats4Bio courses. Some videos cover concepts, while...

  8. OpenIntro

    24 Jan 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: was started with one goal in mind: create a free and open-source introductory textbook. The mission of OpenIntro is to make educational products that...

  9. Project MOSAIC

    23 Jan 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Daniel Kaplan, Karl-Dieter Crisman, Nicholas Horton, Eric Marland, Randall Pruim

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: the project website: Project MOSAIC is a community of educators working to develop a new way to introduce mathematics, statistics, computation and modeling...

  10. statsTeachR

    23 Jan 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Nicholas Reich, Andrea Foulkes, Harrel Blatt, Eric Cohen, Gregory Matthews

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: the project website:What is statsTeachR?statsTeachR is an open-access, online repository of modular lesson plans, a.k.a. "modules", for teaching...

  11. CATALST - Change Agents for Teaching and Learning Statistics

    22 Jan 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Joan Garfield, Robert delMas, Andrew Zieffler, Allan Rossman, Beth Chance, John Holcomb, George Cobb

    From the project website: "This project uses the acronym CATALST (Change Agents for Teaching and Learning Statistics) to represent the goal of accelerating change in the teaching and learning of statistics. The changes we are working towards are in both content and pedagogy. Our focus is the...

  12. Chi-Square analysis of two point test cross data

    21 Jan 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Bob Sheehy

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: flash tutorial simulates analysis of a 2 point test cross and will walk you through the analysis of two hypothetical traits. Your goal is to determine if these traits...

  13. Ch 11 Genetics and Statistics (Chi Square)

    19 Jan 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Shannan Muskopf

    A PowerPoint slideshow which informs the viewer of  the purposes of chi square.  The PowerPoint includes  definitions of relevant terms,  step-by-step procedures for calculating chi square, and questions for individual thoughts.  The slides support one example...

  14. AIMS- Analyzing Images to learn Mathematics and Statistics - studying leaf cutter ants to learn linear regression

    15 Jan 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Jeremy M Wojdak

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: is a teaching resource that uses fascinating images and videos of leaf cutter ants foraging in Panama to provide an engaging context for students to learn about mathematics and...

  15. Human Genetic Variation: A Flipped Exercise in Cultural Competency

    15 Jan 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Shoumita Dasgupta, Katherine Larabee Tuttle

    "This interactive case discussion was created to emphasize the clinical relevance of population genetics, but is also a suitable resource for teaching the basic principles of population genetics while relating them to human genetic variation. Our understanding of human genetic variation has...

  16. ABO Blood Group Frequencies

    14 Jan 2015 | Software (Off-site) | Contributor(s): John R. Jungck, Jennifer A. Spangenberg

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: Excel workbook in which students can calculate blood type frequencies through different approaches (Hardy-Weinberg, quadratic formula, and the EM algorithm).  The...

  17. Birthday Problem and Class Phenotypic Probabilities

    13 Jan 2015 | Software (Off-site) | Contributor(s): John R. Jungck, Annelise L. Myers, Jennifer A. Spangenberg

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: Excel sheet that allows students to input class data about various phenotypic features and then calculates the probability of other people having the same...

  18. Chi-Square Test video

    12 Jan 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Bozeman Science, Paul Andersen

    This 12-minute video describes what a chi-square analysis is and illustrates 3 examples of how to perform one, increasing in complexity. The video starts with the classic example of a coin toss, then rolling die, and finally, with  realistic ecological...

  19. Linked Genes and Recombination: Advanced Punnett Squares

    12 Jan 2015 | Teaching & Reference Material | Contributor(s): Dr. Kaci Thompson, Dr. Karen Nelson

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: online module in which students learn about more difficult genetics problems, including linked genes and crossing over. Quantitatively students learn about marginal...

  20. Classical Genetics Simulator

    12 Jan 2015 | Software (Off-site) | Contributor(s): Ben Adamczyk

    Students manage virtual fly populations to determine the mode of inheritance for various traits in different populations. Students seek solutions using probabilities and testing the validity of their assumptions using chi-squared analysis.