James Alcala
Hello! My name is James; I'm finishing my PhD at UC Riverside under the supervision of Yat Tin Chow. For my PhD, I worked in the field of optimization on accelerated algorithms for minimax, or...
Sequence Similarity: Introducing Biological Databases to Community College Biology Students
01 Jun 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Jennifer Katcher
This laboratory module, published on CourseSource, leads introductory biology students in the exploration of a basic set of bioinformatics concepts and tools.
Developing a phylogram from computational resources.
01 Jun 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Melanie Lenahan1, Shea Cinquemani1
Raritan Valley Community College
This laboratory module, published on CourseSource, leads introductory biology students in the exploration of a basic set of bioinformatics concepts and tools.
Introductory Video and worksheets on Module 1 and 2 on "Sequence Similarity: An inquiry based and under the hood..."
31 May 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Alice Tarun
St. Lawrence University
The video walks the students to complete Module 1 and 2 on Sequence Similarly and Alignment adapted from Tapprich (2019) and Hudson Alpha that teaches these modules within the context of the...
Needleman - Wunsch Algorithm Exercise
22 Apr 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Michael Sierk1, Sam S Donovan2, Neal Grandgenett, Bill Morgan3, Mark A. Pauley4, Elizabeth F Ryder5
1. Saint Vincent College 2. University of Pittsburgh 3. The College of Wooster 4. University of Nebraska at Omaha 5. Worcester Polytechnic Institute
This exercise is used in a sophomore-junior level bioinformatics course. The algorithm is introduced to the students who then complete the exercise.
Bioinformatics: Investigating Sequence Similarity - A Plant Biology Approach
29 May 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Ami Erickson
This laboratory module is a modification of the original published on CourseSource with a focus on plant biology. In the final activity, students conduct a BLAST to compare histone protein...
Sequence Similarity Resource Adaptation: Exploring Ebola Virus
16 May 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By William Tapprich
University of Nebraska-Omaha
This adaptation of the sequence similarity resource provides biology students with a basic set of bioinformatics concepts and tools. These concepts and tools are used to explore relationships...
Sequence Similarity: An inquiry based and "under the hood" approach for incorporating molecular sequence alignment in introductory undergraduate biology courses
02 May 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Adam Kleinschmit1, Benita Brink1, Steven Roof2, Carlos Christopher Goller3, Sabrina Robertson3
1. Adams State University 2. Fairmont State University 3. North Carolina State University
This laboratory module, published on CourseSource, leads introductory biology students in the exploration of a basic set of bioinformatics concepts and tools.
Bioinformatics - Investigating Sequence Similarity
04 Dec 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Adam Kleinschmit1, Benita Brink1, Steven Roof2, Carlos Christopher Goller3, Sabrina Robertson3
1. Adams State University 2. Fairmont State University 3. North Carolina State University
This laboratory module, leads introductory biology students in the exploration of a basic set of bioinformatics concepts and tools.
Bioinformatics - Investigating Sequence Similarity
05 Jul 2017 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Adam Kleinschmit1, Benita Brink1, Steven Roof2, Komal Vig3, Carlos Christopher Goller4, Sabrina Robertson5
1. Adams State University 2. Hampshire College 3. Alabama State University 4. North Carolina State University 5. NC State
This laboratory module, leads introductory biology students in the exploration of a basic set of bioinformatics concepts and tools.
Bioinformatics - Investigating Sequence Similarity
05 Jun 2017 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Adam Kleinschmit1, Benita Brink1, Steven Roof2, Komal Vig3
1. Adams State University 2. Hampshire College 3. Alabama State University
This laboratory module, leads introductory biology students in the exploration of a basic set of bioinformatics concepts and tools.
Needleman - Wunsch Algorithm Exercise
05 Jun 2017 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Michael Sierk
Saint Vincent College
This exercise is used in a sophomore-junior level bioinformatics course. The algorithm is introduced to the students who then complete the exercise.
Bioinformatics - Investigating Sequence Similarity
31 Jan 2017 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Adam Kleinschmit1, Benita Brink1, Steven Roof2, Komal Vig3
1. Adams State University 2. Hampshire College 3. Alabama State University
This laboratory module, leads introductory biology students in the exploration of a basic set of bioinformatics concepts and tools.
Needleman - Wunsch Algorithm Exercise
13 Oct 2016 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Michael Sierk1, Sam S Donovan2, Neal Grandgenett, Bill Morgan3, Mark A. Pauley4, Elizabeth Ryder5
1. Saint Vincent College 2. University of Pittsburgh 3. The College of Wooster 4. University of Nebraska at Omaha 5. Worcester Polytechnic Institute
This exercise is used in a sophomore-junior level bioinformatics course. The algorithm is introduced to the students who then complete the exercise.
Needleman - Wunsch Algorithm Exercise
03 Aug 2016 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Michael Sierk
Saint Vincent College
This exercise is used in a sophomore-junior level bioinformatics course. The algorithm is introduced to the students who then complete the exercise.
Mike's NW Activity
09 Apr 2016 | Datasets | Contributor(s):
By Michael Sierk1, Sam S Donovan2
1. Saint Vincent College 2. University of Pittsburgh
This is where the abstract goes.
Anna Ritz