RNAseq data analysis using Galaxy
02 Jul 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Matthew Escobar1, Sam S Donovan2, Irina Makarevitch3, Bill Morgan4, Sabrina Robertson5
1. California State University San Marcos 2. University of Pittsburgh 3. Hamline University 4. The College of Wooster 5. North Carolina State University
This is a bioinformatics exercise intended for use in a computer lab setting with life science majors.
RNAseq data analysis using Galaxy
13 Nov 2017 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Matthew Escobar1, Sam S Donovan2, Irina Makarevitch3, Bill Morgan4, Sabrina Robertson5
1. California State University San Marcos 2. University of Pittsburgh 3. Hamline University 4. The College of Wooster 5. North Carolina State University
This is a bioinformatics exercise intended for use in a computer lab setting with life science majors.
DNA Subway Learning Resources
18 Oct 2017 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Jason Williams
DNA Learning Center
DNA Subway is a NIBLSE Recommended resource. This is a collection of learning resources associated with DNA Subway.
DNA Subway Learning Resources
16 Oct 2017 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Jason Williams
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
DNA Subway is a NIBLSE Recommended resource. This is a collection of learning resources associated with DNA Subway.
RNAseq data analysis using Galaxy
01 Aug 2017 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Matthew Escobar
California State University - San Marcos
This is a bioinformatics exercise intended for use in a computer lab setting with life science majors.
RNAseq data analysis using Galaxy
03 Jul 2017 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Matthew Escobar
California State University - San Marcos
This is a bioinformatics exercise intended for use in a computer lab setting with life science majors.
Temperature Change in the 21st Century in North America
14 Jun 2017 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Jonathan Paul Frye
McPherson College
This is an FMN participant modification of the TIEE module "Global Temperature Change in the 21st Century," authored by Daniel R. Taub and Gillian S. Graham in 2011.
Investigating the footprint of climate change on phenology and ecological interactions in north-central North America
14 Jun 2017 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Charles McClaugherty
University of Mount Union
This is an FMN participant modification of the TIEE module "Investigating the footprint of climate change on phenology and ecological interactions in north-central North America,"...