Tags: math anxiety

All Categories (1-12 of 12)

  1. (Online) Figure of the Week: Skills for Interpreting Comparative Genomics Figures

    18 Jun 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Robert E Furrow

    University of California, Davis

    Students use their number sense to make observations and explain or guess at patterns shown, discussing in a weekly online Q&A forum.


  2. A Study Assessing the Potential of Negative Effects in InterdisciplinaryMath–Biology Instruction

    Citation | Article

    Madlung, Andreas, Bremer, Martina, Himelblau, Edward, Tullis, Alexa, (2011), "A Study Assessing the Potential of Negative Effects in InterdisciplinaryMath–Biology Instruction", CBE-Life Sciences Education, 10: pg: 43-54, Spring, (DOI: 10.1187/cbe.10-08-0102)

  3. Biology Student Math Attitudes and Anxiety Program (BIOMAAP)

    Collections | 24 Jul 2017 | Posted by Arietta Fleming-Davies


  4. BIOMAAP 'Official' Figure of the Day

    Collections | 17 Jan 2018 | Posted by Arietta Fleming-Davies


  5. Cultivating Your Growth Mindset

    22 Jun 2018 | | Contributor(s):: Kika Tuff, Jeremy M Wojdak, Arietta Fleming-Davies

    Learn what a growth mindset is and how it improves learning

  6. Figure of the Week: Applied Statistics for Wildlife Research

    16 Jan 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Cody Hieu Pham1, Robert E Furrow1

    University of California, Davis

    Students use their number sense to make observations and explain or guess at patterns shown, discussing at the start of a weekly computer lab. This slide deck focuses on figures related to concepts...


  7. Irene Corriette


  8. Jonathan D Partridge


  9. Math anxiety and attitudes in biology undergraduate students

    19 Jun 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Arietta Fleming-Davies1, Jeremy M Wojdak2

    1. QUBES; Radford University 2. Radford University

    Session presentation for BIOMAAP at the 2018 QUBES/BioQUEST Summer Workshop


  10. Measurement of Math Beliefs and Their Associations With Math Behaviors in College Students

    Citation | Article

    Hendy, Helen M., Schorschinsky, Nancy, Wade, Barbara, (2014), "Measurement of Math Beliefs and Their Associations With Math Behaviors in College Students", Psychological Assessment, 26: pg: 1225-1234, (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0037688)

  11. Stop telling kids you’re bad at math. You are spreading math anxiety ‘like a virus.’

    Collections | 08 May 2018 | Posted by Kristin Jenkins


  12. Stop telling kids you’re bad at math. You are spreading math anxiety ‘like a virus.’

    Collections | 09 Oct 2020 | Posted by Deborah Rook
