Learning Communities as a Driver for Humanizing STEM: Cultivating Authentic Conversations about Anti-Racism in Introductory Biology Pedagogy using Duoethnography
31 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Stephanie K. Levi Blumer1, Bryan Dewsbury2, Melissa Haswell3, Tess Killpack4, Lisa Urry5
1. Oakton College 2. Florida International 3. Delta College 4. Salem State University 5. Mills College at Northeastern
In this study we present a retrospective debrief of a learning community of college biology professors who were exploring how to define and implement racial equity-focused practices and content in...
Learning Communities as a Driver for Humanizing STEM: Cultivating Authentic Conversations about Anti-Racism in Introductory Biology Pedagogy using Duoethnography
25 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Stephanie Levi Blumer1, Bryan Dewsbury2, Melissa Haswell3, Tess Killpack4, Lisa Urry5
1. Oakton Community College 2. Florida International 3. Davenport University 4. Salem State University 5. Mills College at Northeastern
In this study we present a retrospective debrief of a learning community of college biology professors who were exploring how to define and implement racial equity-focused practices and content in...
Introduction to the Faculty Resource Guide: Integrating Social Justice, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Issues in STEMM courses
12 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Pat Marsteller1, Eliza Reilly2
1. Emory University, BioQUEST 2. SENCER
We live in challenging times. Higher education faces many challenges including changes in enrollment pattern, fiscal constraints and lack of public acceptance of the value of the degree relative to...
Student Activities to Accompany BioTA Podcast Episode 23: Chocolate Is Life
07 May 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Michael Sitvarin1, J. Phil Gibson2
1. Union College 2. University of Oklahoma
This instructional resource provides three activities to accompany a podcast on chocolate, including critical reading of primary literature and a focus on social justice and equity issues. The...
Blueprint for Accelerating Change in Social Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in STEM Curricula
22 Feb 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Pat Marsteller1, Melissa Haswell2, Ruthmae Sears3
1. Emory University 2. Delta College 3. University of South Florida
Collaborative community working on projects associated with social justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in STEM undergraduate programs.
Revealing Hidden Figures in Natural History Collections Working Group 2023 Update!
15 Dec 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Adania Flemming1, Dr Pankaj Mehrotra2, Jennifer Kovacs3, Karina Sanchez4, Molly Allison Phillips5, Mary Mulcahy6, Shawn Elizabeth Zeringue-Krosnick7, Makenzie Mabry8, Siobhan Leachman9, Jennifer Girón10
1. iDigBio, FLMNH 2. University of the People, California, United States of America 3. Spelman College 4. University of New Hampshire 5. BioQUEST 6. University of Pittsburgh at Bradford 7. Tennessee Tech University 8. Florida Museum 9. Aotearoa New Zealand Wikimedia User Group 10. Texas Tech University
Our 2023 BIOME Lightning Presentation sharing updates from the Hidden Figures Working Group including the first two published modules!
An Introduction to Revealing Hidden Figures through Data Sleuthing
13 Dec 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Siobhan Leachman1, Adania Flemming2, Makenzie Mabry3, Molly Phillips4, Shawn Elizabeth Zeringue-Krosnick5, Jennifer Kovacs6, Olubunmi Aina7
1. Aotearoa New Zealand Wikimedia User Group 2. iDigBio, FLMNH 3. Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida 4. BioQUEST, BCEENET, and BLUE 5. Tennessee Tech University 6. Agnes Scott College 7. Allen University
In this introduction to hidden figures in natural history collections (NHCs), students will read an article that gives a unique historical perspective of museums and will then participate in a...
The Importance of an ORCID
13 Dec 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Siobhan Leachman1, Adania Flemming2, Makenzie Mabry3, Molly Phillips4, Shawn Elizabeth Zeringue-Krosnick5, Jennifer Kovacs6, Olubunmi Aina
1. Aotearoa New Zealand Wikimedia User Group 2. iDigBio, FLMNH 3. Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida 4. iDigBio, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida 5. Tennessee Tech University 6. Spelman College
This lesson introduces students and instructors to the use of ORCIDs (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), and walks students through the process of registering for an ORCID. This module also helps...
Uncovering Hidden Figures of Natural History Collections Using Digital Data Sleuthing & Storytelling
23 Mar 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Molly Allison Phillips1, Olubunmi Aina2, Adania Flemming3, Shawn Elizabeth Zeringue-Krosnick4, Jennifer Kovacs5, Siobhan Leachman6, Makenzie E. Mabry3
1. BioQUEST 2. Allen University 3. iDigBio, FLMNH 4. Tennessee Tech University 5. Agnes Scott College 6. Aotearoa New Zealand Wikimedia User Group
In this presentation we will introduce a series of modules meant to train the next generation of scientists to be data sleuths and storytellers, engaging learners in authentic research experiences...
08 Mar 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Lorelei Koss
This article surveys how SIR models have been extended beyond investigations of biologically infectious diseases to other topics that contribute to social inequality and environmental concerns.
Presentation related to the paper: Sustainability and Justice: Challenges and Opportunities for an Open STEM Education
08 Feb 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Carrie Diaz Eaton
Bates College and RIOS Institute
This is a presentation highlighting some issues at the intersection of STEM, Open, and Social Justice. The audience is STEM education professionals and professional developers. The presentation was...
For a Racially-Just, Inclusive, Open, STEM education: The RIOS Institute imagines an Open Education as the radical idea that education should be affordable, accessible, equitable, inclusive, and relevant to everyone
09 Nov 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Kaitlin Bonner1, Bryan Dewsbury2, Sam S Donovan3, Karen Cangialosi4, Krystie Wilfong5, Jasmine Roberts-Crews6, Jackson Skinner5, Alnycea Blackwell7, Sokona Mangane5, Carrie Diaz Eaton8
1. St. John Fisher University 2. Florida International University 3. BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium 4. Keene State College 5. Bates College 6. Ohio State University 7. RIOS 8. Bates College and QUBES
As we engage in Open STEM Education, “Open for Whom?” becomes an increasingly urgent question. Why should we invest in an education that is free, if it does not attend to the inclusion of...
Exploring Health Inequities and Redlining
02 Apr 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Mary Mulcahy
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
For this assignment, students will investigate relationships between historic redlining data and modern statistics of human health.
Integrating Social Justice into your STEM Classroom: Redlining & Health
24 Feb 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Mary Mulcahy1, Ethell Vereen2, Marci Cole Ekberg3, Jennifer Kovacs4, Durrain Ansari-Yan5, Tamara Basham6, Mackenzie Boyer7, Matthew Joshua Heard8, Adriane Clark Jones9, Shannon Jones10, Erica Lannan11, Pat Marsteller12, Denise Piechnik1, Sarah Prescott13, Gustavo Requena Santos14
1. University of Pittsburgh at Bradford 2. Morehouse College 3. Diablo Valley College 4. Agnes Scott College 5. Diablo Valley college 6. Collin County Commuity College District 7. Arizona State University 8. Winthrop University 9. Mount Saint Mary's University 10. University of Richmond 11. Prairie State College 12. Emory University 13. University of New Hampshire 14. Science Yourself
Workshop about models for introducing social justice issues into classes developed in a Faculty Mentoring Network. Presented at the 2021 BIOME Institute.
Sustainability and Justice: Challenges and Opportunities for an Open STEM Education
08 Feb 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Carrie Diaz Eaton1, Kaitlin Bonner2, Karen Cangialosi3, Bryan Dewsbury4, Maggie Diamond-Stanic5, Jason Douma6, Michelle Smith7, Jeremy M Wojdak8, Robin Taylor9
1. Bates College and QUBES 2. St. John Fisher College 3. Keene State College 4. University of Rhode Island 5. Bates College 6. University of Sioux Falls 7. Cornell University 8. Radford University 9. RTRES Consulting
Combining understanding of OER sustainability and equity and justice to carve out ideas for the future of STEM open education.
Revising Social & Environmental Justice Open Educational Resources through UDL and Accessibility Lenses
06 Dec 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Tamara Basham1, Laura Catano2, Stephanie M. Gardner3, Amee Evans Godwin4, David Groh5, Rachel Hutto, Pat Marsteller6, Mary Mulcahy7, Hayley Orndorf8, Molly Phillips9, Beatriz Villar10
1. Collin County Commuity College District 2. The University of California, Riverside 3. Purdue University 4. ISKME 5. Good Samaritan College 6. Emory University 7. University of Pittsburgh at Bradford 8. University of Pittsburgh 9. iDigBio, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida 10. Northampton CC
The Revising Social & Environmental Justice Open Educational Resources through UDL and Accessibility Lenses Working Group met during the Fall 2021 semester as part of the BIOME Institute. This...
Teaching Cancer Biology Through a Lens of Social Justice
04 Nov 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Yarid A. Mera1, Benjamin L. Wiggins*2
1. Seattle University 2. University of Washington
The biology classroom is not separate from the greater context of society; social issues can and should be presented in connection with the content. Here we present an example of antiracist...
Assessing Socioeconomic Trends in Tree Cover and Human Health in Urban Environments
02 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Tamara Basham
Collin County Commuity College District
In this exercise, students use a combination of publicly available data and tree cover data that they generate using iTree Canopy to test whether tree cover is equitably distributed within the city...
Exploring Health Inequities and Redlining
30 Jul 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Mary Mulcahy
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
For this assignment, students will investigate relationships between historic redlining data and modern statistics of human health.
Integrating Social Justice into your STEM Classroom: Redlining & Health
28 Jul 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Mary Mulcahy1, Ethell Vereen2, Marci Cole Ekberg3, Jennifer Kovacs4, Durrain Ansari-Yan5, Tamara Basham6, Mackenzie Boyer7, Matthew Joshua Heard8, Adriane Clark Jones9, Shannon Jones10, Erica Lannan11, Pat Marsteller12, Sarah Prescott13, Gustavo Requena Santos14
1. University of Pittsburgh at Bradford 2. Morehouse College 3. Diablo Valley College 4. Agnes Scott College 5. Diablo Valley college 6. Collin County Commuity College District 7. Arizona State University 8. Winthrop University 9. Mount Saint Mary's University 10. University of Richmond 11. Prairie State College 12. Emory University 13. University of New Hampshire 14. Science Yourself
Workshop about models for introducing social justice issues into classes developed in a Faculty Mentoring Network. Presented at the 2021 BIOME Institute.