
Research "Contract"

This file is designed to help faculty and team members set up expectations for the research project. This includes topics such as research goals, hours of work, timeline of deliverables, etc.

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Lab Notebook on Evernote

You can download and make an Evernote account at

The files attached are sample note pages from a student's logbook

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Blackwood's intro to LaTeX

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Profile picture of Julie Blackwood

Julie Blackwood onto LaTeX resources for students

Cobwebbing applet

I found an applet on I'm going to talk about it a little bit and then embed it here. This should allow you to fiddle with cobwebs a little easier.

The left frame shows the cobweb diagram (horizontal axis y or "input" and vertical axis z or "output"). In blue is the reproduction function (z=f(x)) derived from the difference equation (x_{n+1}=f(x_{n})) and in red is (z=y). You have the ability to enter in a new reproduction curve and initial condition but make sure you hit Enter for the changes to take effect. Tapping the iterate button will start the difference equation by plotting (x_n) one at a time. Hitting reset will clear stuff and in the upper right you have navigation controls. The right panel is a time series for the difference equation showing you the same data, but as it would appear as collected data.




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Profile picture of Benjamin R Morin

Benjamin R Morin onto Mathematical modeling course

Citation searching resources

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Profile picture of Blerta Shtylla

Blerta Shtylla onto Writing & Presentation Tips

Mathematician Ami Radunskaya - The Empowerment Project

A short (3:22 min) clip from the documentary "The Empowerment Project: Ordinary Women doing Extraordinary Things", directed by Sarah Moshman.  In this clip, Prof. Radunskaya explains why she loves nonlinear differential equations.

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Bodine's Math Modeling & Scientific Writing Course

Syllabus and course assignments for a course in math modeling & scientific writing

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Profile picture of Carrie Diaz Eaton

Carrie Diaz Eaton onto Writing & Presentation Tips

Peer-review in applied mathematics writing

This is a collaboration in calculus II with the writing director on best practices in peer-review.   This link is to the version on arxiv, but the full is published in PRIMUS.

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Profile picture of Carrie Diaz Eaton

Carrie Diaz Eaton onto Writing & Presentation Tips

Writing in mathematical modeling course

PRIMUS article - PRIMUS had a special issue on writing in mathematics and this is one on mathematical modeling in particular.

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Profile picture of Carrie Diaz Eaton

Carrie Diaz Eaton onto Writing & Presentation Tips

Modeling problems

Modeling problems from previous modeling competitions (powered by COMAP).

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Profile picture of Erica Graham

Erica Graham onto Mathematical modeling course

Math Bio Modeling Course by Joe Mahaffy (San Diego State University)

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Profile picture of Nessy Tania

Nessy Tania onto Mathematical modeling course

Writing a scienitific paper

Elsevier article on writing a scientific paper

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Profile picture of Carrie Diaz Eaton

Carrie Diaz Eaton onto Writing & Presentation Tips

Module on data-fitting on a predator-prey model on Matlab

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Profile picture of Nessy Tania

Nessy Tania onto Computing tools (MATLAB)

Sample Peer and Self Evaluation Form

This form is filled by each student to evaluate each team member's contribution (including themself's) to the research project. (Source: Blerta Shtylla & Erin Bodine.)

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Guidelines for deciding student co-authorship

We summarize guidelines on how to decide on whether a student or a collaborator gets authorship. 

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Intro to Data Science in R

Basic data scraping and cleaning, and machine learning modeling in R.

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Profile picture of Colin Reimer Dawson

Colin Reimer Dawson onto Computing Tools (R)

Videos from MAA's Preparation for Industrial Careers

4 sets of videos on

  1. improving marketing strategies, 
  2. movie animation,
  3. making better filters for water/waste,
  4. finding the best place to store nuclear waste.

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Team Roles and Instructions

These notes are based on instructions on team preparation and roles assignment from the Mathematical Contest in Modeling. (Source: Blerta Shtylla.)

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Introduction to model fitting with least squares regression

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Profile picture of Julie Blackwood

Julie Blackwood onto Computing tools (MATLAB)

NSF grant writing advice

Some solid advice on how to write a successful NSF grant.

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Chapter on fitting various linear and nonlinear regression models using R

Assumes basic familiarity with regression modeling and quickly goes through a bunch of different types of models with sample R code to fit them on some sample datasets.

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Profile picture of Colin Reimer Dawson

Colin Reimer Dawson onto Computing Tools (R)

Class Notes

I use this template often for class notes.  It prioritizes margin space with margin notes and I think it promotes using the notes in a more "engaging" way.

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Profile picture of Benjamin R Morin

Benjamin R Morin onto Writing & Presentation Tips