
Learning from the Trees: Using Project Budburst to Enhance Data Literacy and Scientific Writing Skills in an Introductory Biology Laboratory During Remote Learning

Lots of ways to incorporate writing into courses.

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Profile picture of Dan Johnson

Dan Johnson onto STEM Writing Resources

Bright Idea, or Bad Idea?

One of the ongoing challenges of teaching scientific writing is getting students out of the habit of writing a Methods section that is a list of steps they followed. This is not how most primary literature is written, but they keep doing it. Has anyone tried writing a more general protocol guide or handbook for their courses, then had students reference the protocols just like they would primary literature articles? If so, how did it go? If not, anyone have thoughts?

Part of the inspiration for this idea is the old "red books," big binders full of protocols that most molecular biology labs subscribed to in the pre-internet days. There are open-access journals that follow this model (J. of Visualized Experiments, Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, etc.) Why not use the methods write-up to do more?

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Profile picture of Dan Johnson

Dan Johnson onto STEM Writing Resources

Join the Natural History Education Community!

Biome 2022 poster on how to get involved in the natural history education community.

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Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller onto Natural History

Collaborative case writing and field testing with Molecular CaseNet brings together discipline specific expertise for innovative pedagogical tools in the classroom

Molecular case studies (MCS) use an interesting story as a hook , followed by exploration of biochemistry of one or more molecules of interest.  They can be useful in teaching about macromolecule structure and function and also for improving biomolecular visualization and analysis in undergraduate and graduate level classes. Several unique collaborations have stemmed from discussions and workshops facilitated by the Molecular CaseNet group. The “Malaria and Maria” case was originally drafted by a group of students in Dr. Vardar-Ulu’s Biochemistry class in Fall 2020 at Boston University.  This student authored MCS replaced the in-person laboratory student projects during the COVID-19 remote instruction period in Fall 2020. The case examines the structure of the enzyme Lactate Dehydrogenase, a key player in anaerobic metabolism. Dr. Vardar-Ulu used this case to teach Biochemistry at Boston University. Since the case uses Malaria, a neglected tropical disease as a hook, it was also a good fit for the Molecular Parasitology class taught by Dr. Agrawal at University of Mary Washington. In Spring 2022 the case was piloted in both these universities.

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Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller onto Moleccasenet

Books by Kenneth Miller on Evolution and Faith

Books include:

'Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America's Soul': "Few have weighed in on the nation's contentious debate over evolution as effectively as Kenneth R. Miller. In Only a Theory, Miller-the highly regarded scientist who offered expert testimony at the 2005 trial over the teaching of evolution in Dover, Pennsylvania-eloquently shows how "Intelligent Design" collapses at the very moment one begins to take it seriously. Miller shows that the attack on evolution is a broader assault on the skepticism and reason that have fueled America's remarkable scientific advances, and offers an encouraging prescription for how we can save the nation's "scientific soul" to which we owe so much."

'Finding Darwin's God: A Scientist's Search for Common Ground between God and Evolution'

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The Language of God

Book by Francis Collins:

"Does science necessarily undermine faith in God? Or could it actually support faith? Beyond the flashpoint debates over the teaching of evolution, or stem-cell research, most of us struggle with contradictions concerning life's ultimate question. We know that accidents happen, but we believe we are on earth for a reason. Until now, most scientists have argued that science and faith occupy distinct arenas. Francis Collins, a former atheist as a science student who converted to faith as he became a doctor, is about to change that. Collins's faith in God has been confirmed and enhanced by the revolutionary discoveries in biology that he has helped to oversee. He has absorbed the arguments for atheism of many scientists and pundits, and he can refute them. Darwinian evolution occurs, yet, as he explains, it cannot fully explain human nature - evolution can and must be directed by God. He offers an inspiring tour of the human genome to show the miraculous nature of God's instruction book."

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Evangelicals for Evolutionary Creation

An international FB group for people from an evangelical Christian background who want to learn how to accept evolutionary biology, and integrate it into their faith structure. A sister group to Celebrating Creation by Natural Selection.

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AAAS DoSER: The Perceptions Project


Evangelical Christians constitute as much as 30% of the U.S. population and their influence on public support and perceptions of science is considerable. When compared to other religious groups, Evangelicals have often been more wary of science as evidenced in debates about evolution, stem cell research, and climate change. However, the community is diverse and there is evidence to suggest that it is becoming more open to dialogue.

DoSER partnered with researchers at Rice University to investigate more deeply the relationship between science and Evangelical Christianity and to develop resources that will enable these communities to communicate more effectively. Print materials and workshops were developed to help promote understanding of both scientific facts and each other’s concerns for the benefit both scientific advancement and the public at large."

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AAAS DoSER: Science for Theological Education

"Science and technology affect nearly every aspect of our modern lives. A significant portion of citizens seek guidance on such issues from a trusted religious leader. However, many pastors and religious leaders feel unprepared to discuss science because, in many cases, their own experience with science has been limited. They may not have encountered science in their theological education, nor do they have reliable sources for current scientific information scoped for their needs."

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AAAS DoSER Engaging Scientists and Faith Communities

"AAAS-DoSER’s Engaging Scientists and Faith Communities project (formerly “Engaging Scientists in the Science and Religion Dialogue”) or “Engaging Scientists,” supports scientists in becoming more effective ambassadors for themselves, their disciplines, and for science as a whole with diverse publics, and particularly with religious communities."

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AAAS DoSER: Engaging Faith-based Communities in Citizen Science through Zooniverse

"Citizen Science is a way that people of all ages and from all walks of life can make valuable contributions to research along with professional scientists. It enables research that would be impossible or impractical without the help of many people. Zooniverse is the largest and most popular online platform for citizen science, where participants can contribute to research in diverse fields of study across the sciences and humanities.

DoSER is pleased to partner with Dr. Grace Wolf-Chase as she creates intentional and sustainable pathways for faith-based and interfaith communities to engage with science.

The primary goal of this project is to create meaningful partnerships between academic researchers and faith communities by fostering new collaborations. Specifically, she is interested in working with community leaders to:

  1. Identify existing Zooniverse projects that could be prototyped for use in their programs (e.g., youth or adult education classes).
  2. Identify new research projects to co-develop using the Zooniverse Project Builder.

To read more about Dr. Grace Wolf-Chase, see this wonderful profile at AAAS news!

Please contact Dr. Grace Wolf-Chase if you would like to discuss these possibilities."

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AAAS DoSER Equipping Christian Leadership in an Age of Science

"“In an age when faith is often portrayed in opposition to science, we want to create opportunities for church leaders to connect with world-class science and scientists; to develop well-informed, theologically grounded, practical knowledge about the world and our place in it.”

Based in the UK, the Equipping Christian Leadership in an Age of Science (ECLAS) project carries out original research to determine attitudes towards science and the efficacy of existing scientific narratives. Using insights from this research, they create resources for teaching on science and religion, working with theological courses and colleges to develop and incorporate new teaching materials into ordination training. They also hold conferences for senior leaders on cutting-edge scientific topics including cosmology, artificial intelligence and robotics, genetics, and complexity. Through ECLAS’ Scientists in Congregations programme, they resource churches at a local level to engage in the science-faith dialogue, awarding grants for innovative events, theatre pieces, lectures and more."

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AAAS DoSER Scientists in Synagogues

"Scientists in Synagogues is a grass-roots program organized by Sinai and Synapses. Its goal is to offer Jews opportunities to explore the most interesting and pressing questions surrounding Judaism and science. The project provides grants to a diverse group of synagogues to develop programming that incorporates science into the life of the congregation.

Panelists listening to each other speak

It is rarely a challenge to get Jews to embrace science. However, it is often much harder to get Jews excited about Judaism. According to a national survey fielded by Rice University and AAAS as part of the “Perceptions Project,” when asked if science and religion are “in collaboration,” “independent,” or “in conflict,” Jews were higher than any other group in viewing religion and science as “independent.”

Scientists in Synagogues believes that rather than bifurcating identity, it is more constructive to explore how people can combine disparate parts of themselves at the same time. The project encourages people towards a more integrated perspective, both for their own individual sense of self and for the larger conversation surrounding Judaism and science."

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AAAS DoSER Science for Seminaries

"Science for Seminaries is a project of the AAAS Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion (DoSER) program, in consultation with the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). The project helps a diverse group of seminaries integrate science into their core curricula."

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Scientists in Congregations

"Scientists in Congregations is a $2 million grant program, funded by the John Templeton Foundation, created to catalyze the dialogue of theology and science in local congregations. In 2011, grants were awarded to thirty-five congregations in the United States (representing twenty-five states), as well as one in Canada and one in France.

These grant recipients produced a wide range of projects on topics in theology and science that enhanced their congregational life. This website has gathered many of those projects as a way of resourcing additional churches that would like to explore their engagement with the insights of science. Our hope is that you will use these resources as guides for leading your own discussions and classes, or as inspiration to craft new material specifically tailored to your congregation."

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"The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) seeks to advance science and to relate scientific knowledge and technological development to the purposes and concerns of society at large. AAAS believes that the scientific community must be in dialogue with the full range of religious communities in order to understand the cultural context within which science operates and to respond to the societal issues opened up by scientific discovery and technological development. In this light, AAAS established the Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion (DoSER) program in 1995 to establish a uniquely credible forum for robust scientific engagement with a wide range of religious publics."

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American Scientific Affiliation

An international organizations of Christians in the sciences. Includes an annual conference, workshops, and a journal.

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An organization developing blog posts, an annual conference, and education resources to address ways to effectively integrate Christian faith and acceptance of science and the process of science (particularly focused on evolution, climate change, and cosmology).

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Answers to Answers in Genesis

An international Facebook group that directly addresses a faith-based, counter-narrative, to the false claims put out by the organization Answers in Genesis.

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Celebrating Creation by Natural Selection

An international FB group centered on discussions of faith and science, particularly evolutionary biology. We include resource documents, and monitor the conversations. We do not permit trolling, personal attacks, or God vs. no god debates.

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Native Land Digital Map

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Profile picture of Katie M. Sandlin

Katie M. Sandlin onto 2022 BIOME

Communities of Practice in Education

Articles on communities of practice in classroom settings: 

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Profile picture of Katie M. Sandlin

Katie M. Sandlin onto 2022 BIOME

The Genomics Education Partnership: Democratizing Genomics Research Experiences Nationwide

This poster provides a general overview of the Genomics Education Partnership (GEP), and information on our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts are outlined in the accompanying video.

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Profile picture of Katie M. Sandlin

Katie M. Sandlin onto 2022 BIOME

New Hampshire Specific Information

Resource for the host's acknowledgement.

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Profile picture of Deborah Rook

Deborah Rook onto Land Acknowledgement Resources

Behavior Module

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Profile picture of Steve Mech

Steve Mech onto Squirrel