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  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 15 Sep 2019

Selected Modules

These are the selected modules for the ESA Data Access Faculty Mentoring Network. During the Spring 2020 semester, participants will adapt and implement portions from one or more of the following into their classrooms. These modules cover a range of ecology topics, so please select the module/s that will fit best into your course curriculum. You may choose to implement a portion of the module/s.

  1. Investigating human impacts on stream ecology: locally and nationally,
  2. Changes in Lake Ice: Ecosystem Response to Global Change
  3. Demography from physical cemeteries, “virtual cemeteries,” and census data
  4. Global Temperature Change in the 21st Century
  5. The insect predation game: evolving prey defenses and predator responses
  6. The Effect of Climate Change on Butterfly Phenology
  7. The nose knows: How tri-trophic interactions and natural history shape bird foraging behavior

Additionally, all participants are asked to adapt and implement some portion of this module related to data management, an essential skill for the modern scientist. While this module has specifics on NEON data and Mark Recapture Analysis, you are not expected to implement that. We hope that the ideas about data management in this module will prove useful to your classes.

     8. Data Management using National Ecological Observatory Network’s (NEON) Small Mammal Data with Accompanying Lesson on Mark Recapture Analysis
