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  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 24 Jun 2022

Congratulations, you are almost done with all of the requirements for this Faculty Mentoring Network! Final products are due by January 30th. Please remember that this is an integral part of the FMN, and a requirement to receive your completion letter.

Your final product consists of two tasks, submitting your module adaption to the QUBES website and to the Project EDDIE website. Each submission will contain two main types of material:

  1. materials that you used to implement the module (i.e., materials you modified to the existing activity, any worksheets, assessments, etc, that you created)
  2. Implementation plan (bottom of Quick Links page), which also includes reflection questions for the teaching notes document. Your implementation plan  will be your most valuable resource in filling out the required fields. Before completing the following steps, make sure your Implementation Plan is up to date

 Best practices. before you start this process

  • Have files and links ready to go
    • Content files - any files that you or your students used for the implementation of your module. They may be unchanged from the original module, your modified version, or new materials that you created to aid in your implementation. 
    • Implementation Plan - this will be a helpful reference document to fill out most of the description fields. You may need to edit them for grammar, punctuation, tense, etc. 
    • Instructor Notes (QUBES) - The reflection questions at the bottom of your Implementation Plan are the Instructor Notes that should be submitted as a separate file with your other files. 

Instructions for publication

Project EDDIE Website Submission

Instructor Story Submission (Form)

Example Instructor Story from past FMN

Modules for Adaptation

Video for both submissions

QUBES Submission

Instructions for QUBES Submission

Helpful information about submitting your QUBES final products can be found on the Getting Organized Page

Example QUBES Resources from past Project EDDIE FMN