Your 82 publication(s) have been accessed a total of 42432 times to date.

2014 QUBES Minisymposium at the Seventh International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology: Education and Research published 03 Jan 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 03 Jan 2018
39 44 1805
1 3 299
2015 Quantitative Biology Education Summit published 03 Jan 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 03 Jan 2018
21 80 1675
4 2 281
Adapting BioQUEST and QUBES Resources to Accelerate STEM Education Reform published 25 Feb 2022 in Teaching Materials | from project Publishing BioQUEST Webinars
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 25 Feb 2022
20 25 574
4 9 216
Biobyte 1 - Where are we in the data science landscape? published 06 Aug 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project Biobytes
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 06 Aug 2019
10 29 848
16 17 653
Biobyte 2 - Exploratory data analysis published 14 Aug 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project Biobytes
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 14 Aug 2019
9 44 970
12 19 645
Biobyte 3 - Lab reports as reproducible research published 14 Aug 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project Biobytes
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 14 Aug 2019
12 21 935
14 7 604
Biobyte 4 - The role of data science principles and practices in undergraduate biology published 15 Aug 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project Biobytes
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 15 Aug 2019
17 38 1023
11 7 565
BioQUEST / QUBES Summer Workshop - Code of Conduct published 01 Aug 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project Code of Conduct Development
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 23 Nov 2018
41 95 2833
21 26 833
BioQUEST Partner Support Module: Exploring Community published 28 Feb 2022 in Teaching Materials | from project pub-2vx1dd5wes
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 28 Feb 2022
26 37 659
36 19 454
BioQUEST Webinar: CourseSource - YouTube published 01 Feb 2022 in Teaching Materials | from project Publishing BioQUEST Webinars
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 01 Feb 2022
19 46 1713
11 50 1464
BIRDD Presentation at NABT November 2021 published 22 Nov 2021 in Teaching Materials | from project BIRDD Pub project
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 22 Nov 2021
13 26 699
5 17 474
BIRDD: Galapagos Data Found in Data Dryad published 02 Mar 2017 in Datasets | from project BIRDD Development
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 02 Mar 2017
12 46 1265
6 5 205
Bringing Research Data to the Ecology Classroom: Opportunities, Barriers, and Next Steps published 14 Aug 2017 in Teaching Materials | from project DIG Publications from ESA
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 14 Aug 2017
15 44 1428
1 3 60
CC-CURE Report Out from the BIOME 2020 Institute published 03 Dec 2020 in Teaching Materials | from project Interdisciplinary and cross course CUREs
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 03 Dec 2020
31 46 1622
19 16 726
Changing Faculty Practice: Promoting the Scholarship of Teaching with Faculty Mentoring Networks published 27 Mar 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 27 Mar 2019
17 36 1448
10 11 767
Characterizing the Quantitative Biology Curricula from Institutions Across the United States published 03 Jan 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 03 Jan 2018
17 39 1558
8 4 248
Community Conversation: OER for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in STEM Classrooms published 25 Feb 2022 in Teaching Materials | from project Publishing BioQUEST Webinars
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 25 Feb 2022
26 48 1107
9 25 453
Community Conversation: Publishing Conference Materials on QUBES published 27 May 2022 in Teaching Materials | from project Publishing BioQUEST Webinars
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 27 May 2022
23 52 1550
7 40 1995
Confronting the challenges of bringing research data into undergraduate classrooms using online faculty mentoring networks published 19 Jan 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 19 Jan 2018
16 33 1523
9 5 205
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Faculty Mentoring Networks: A Model for Promoting Faculty Teaching Scholarship published 19 Dec 2017 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 19 Dec 2017
29 20 1352
7 1 170
Designing undergraduate biology curricula to teach skills and knowledge for data-intensive environmental research published 25 Aug 2017 in Teaching Materials | from project pub-w1xapste43
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 25 Aug 2017
11 34 955
4 2 185
Development of the NIBLSE Learning Resource Collection and Incubators published 16 Mar 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project NIBLSE Resources on QUBES
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 16 Mar 2018
23 30 1478
3 1 60
Documenting teaching scholarship among undergraduate biology educators using OER published 13 Aug 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 13 Aug 2018
29 50 3509
5 6 258
Example Poster published 21 Jun 2022 in Teaching Materials | from project 2022 iEMBER Conference Publishing
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 21 Jun 2022
8 15 627
4 4 116
Exploring HIV Evolution published 05 Aug 2016 in Teaching Materials | from project Project Files: Exploring HIV Evolution
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 05 Aug 2016
28 65 2517
10 12 465
Faculty Mentoring Networks: A model for professional development in undergraduate quantitative biology education published 20 Dec 2017 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 20 Dec 2017
10 30 1418
3 4 182
Faculty Mentoring Networks: A Model for Promoting Teaching Scholarship in Quantitative Biology Education published 20 Dec 2017 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 20 Dec 2017
28 37 1183
5 2 186
Faculty Mentoring Networks: Community Professional Development for the Digital Age published 10 Jul 2020 in Teaching Materials | from project Not a Working Group (BIOME Institute Resource Posting)
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 10 Jul 2020
16 40 1248
5 6 269
Faculty Mentoring Networks: Community Professional Development for the Digital Age published 17 Jul 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project 2019 Summer Workshop Presentations, Posters, & Products
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 17 Jul 2019
21 44 1597
6 2 259
Faculty Mentoring Networks: Community Professional Development for the Digital Age published 04 Dec 2020 in Teaching Materials | from project pub-10mx9ciqwd
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 04 Dec 2020
21 33 964
6 10 775
Faculty professional development in quantitative biology promotes scholarly teaching published 09 May 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 09 May 2018
12 46 2182
2 3 302
For a Racially-Just, Inclusive, Open, STEM education: The RIOS Institute imagines an Open Education as the radical idea that education should be affordable, accessible, equitable, inclusive, and relevant to everyone published 09 Nov 2022 in Teaching Materials | from project For a Racially-Just, Inclusive, Open, STEM education: The RIOS...
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 09 Nov 2022
19 56 1959
2 3 127
Fostering and Sustaining Interdisciplinary Faculty Communities Around Undergraduate Teaching: Insights from the QUBES Project published 28 Aug 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project SIAM 2018 Workshop Materials
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 28 Aug 2018
26 56 1420
8 5 382
Fostering and sustaining interdisciplinary faculty communities around undergraduate teaching: Insights from the QUBES project published 05 Apr 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 05 Apr 2018
17 33 1114
1 5 56
Getting students to reason with data: QUBES tools and teaching resources built for introductory biology published 21 Feb 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 21 Feb 2019
22 28 1317
2 3 64
Helping teachers and students learn with research data: The role of a scientific gateway for education published 17 Apr 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 17 Apr 2018
16 31 1389
0 3 63
Incubators: A community based model for improving the usability of bioinformatics learning resources published 19 Jan 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project NIBLSE Resources on QUBES
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 19 Jan 2018
16 23 1403
4 4 186
Incubators: Building community networks and developing open educational resources to integrate bioinformatics into life sciences education published 23 Jul 2020 in Teaching Materials | from project Not a Working Group (BIOME Institute Resource Posting)
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 23 Jul 2020
19 35 947
2 6 202
Integrating Natural History Collections into Undergraduate Education: Creating the Resources and Growing the Community published 19 Jan 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 19 Jan 2018
18 28 1313
10 9 299
Manual for Using BIRDD published 21 Dec 2017 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 21 Dec 2017
9 14 723
8 0 128
Measuring Success for Collections: Educational Products and Outcomes published 07 Jun 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project BLUE Resources on QUBES
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 07 Jun 2019
14 27 1163
2 1 94
Mike's NW Activity published 09 Apr 2016 in Datasets | from project Committee Workspace
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 09 Apr 2016
62 32 1895
28 56 1760
Modeling the lac Operon to Understand the Regulation of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes published 27 Sep 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project Publishing Sam's Lac Operon Recitation
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 27 Sep 2019
14 28 1419
8 16 668
Mystery box puzzle for model based reasoning published 30 Oct 2021 in Teaching Materials | from project Examples of Reasoning Tasks
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 30 Oct 2021
25 40 1037
14 11 414
Needleman - Wunsch Algorithm Exercise published 13 Oct 2016 in Teaching Materials | from project Project Files: Needleman - Wunsch Algorithm Excercise
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 03 Aug 2016
41 128 4956
19 18 1827
NIBLSE Incubators: A community-based model for the development of bioinformatics learning resources published 15 May 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project GLBIO 2019 Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 15 May 2019
28 53 2117
8 5 278
NIBLSE Incubators: A community-based model for the development of bioinformatics learning resources published 29 Mar 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project NIBLSE Resources on QUBES
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 29 Mar 2019
27 21 1004
2 2 45
NIBLSE Learning Resource Collection published 15 Jan 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project NIBLSE Teaching Resources Incubator
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 15 Jan 2019
16 77 1524
3 4 287
Plasmodium Problem Space published 07 Jan 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project NIBLSE Resources on QUBES
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 07 Jan 2019
31 27 1431
9 8 352
PPS published 07 May 2016 in Teaching Materials | from project NIBLSE Teaching Resources Incubator
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 07 May 2016
22 33 1713
2 10 382
Pre-Health Students' Attitudes towards the Relative Importance of Biology and Statistics for their Preparation for Professional School published 03 Jan 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 03 Jan 2018
23 27 1274
7 6 172
Professional development in quantitative biology and its relationship to promoting scholarly teaching published 24 Aug 2017 in Teaching Materials | from project pub-jswlbzfnpw
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 24 Aug 2017
13 33 1370
4 2 186
Quantitative biology: how educators that "buy-in" demonstrate greater productivity in teaching scholarship published 21 Dec 2017 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 21 Dec 2017
14 15 969
4 0 173
QUBES – A virtual synthesis center catalyzing change in undergraduate quantitative biology education published 19 Dec 2017 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 19 Dec 2017
17 16 1082
3 2 157
QUBES-ESA partnership uses online Faculty Mentoring Networks to prepare faculty for teaching quantitative biology to undergraduates published 13 Aug 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 13 Aug 2018
10 43 1398
2 11 230
QUBES: a community focused on supporting teaching and learning in quantitative biology published 02 Jan 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 02 Jan 2018
610 146 6324
5 9 459
QUBES: An education gateway for accelerating undergraduate biology education reform published 11 Dec 2020 in Teaching Materials | from project pub-y5qvha9zvm
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 11 Dec 2020
22 29 1338
1 3 324
QUBES: An education gateway for professional development, OER sharing, and project support published 23 Apr 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 19 Mar 2019
25 53 2102
7 8 572
QUBES: Building a community to promote undergraduate quantitative biology education published 02 Jan 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 02 Jan 2018
12 25 1290
7 2 188
QUBES: Building a community to promote undergraduate quantitative biology education published 13 Jul 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project 2018 Summer Workshop Posters
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 13 Jul 2018
14 40 1609
8 5 291
QUBES: Building a community to promote undergraduate quantitative biology education published 14 Aug 2017 in Teaching Materials | from project pub-2azurahaq7
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 14 Aug 2017
21 37 1425
7 8 431
QUBES: Supporting faculty in the teaching of mathematical biology published 22 Dec 2017 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 22 Dec 2017
20 35 1218
4 2 186
Reasoning and Relevance: IGELS Tools, Tips, & Strategies to Enhance Undergraduate Biology for Non-majors published 18 Nov 2022 in Teaching Materials | from project IGELS Presentations
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 18 Nov 2022
18 34 546
1 9 101
Reimagining professional development: Faculty mentoring networks as a model for connecting projects and teachers published 20 Dec 2017 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 20 Dec 2017
24 20 950
4 3 163
RNAseq data analysis using Galaxy published 13 Nov 2017 in Teaching Materials | from project Project Files: RNAseq data analysis using Galaxy
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 03 Jul 2017
63 121 5063
12 14 663
Scientific Literacy Re-visioned Workshop at NABT 2023 published 30 Nov 2023 in Teaching Materials | from project pub-j2naffmkpj
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 30 Nov 2023
13 28 298
14 16 197
Serenity now! Keep calm and do science with real data in the classroom published 20 Jun 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project Summer Workshop Session Material
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 20 Jun 2018
17 40 1355
34 39 1855
Summer 2019 Biobytes published 14 Aug 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project Biobytes
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 14 Aug 2019
11 28 1099
2 2 107
Supplemental Materials for Beagle Investigations Return with Darwinian Data Manuscript published 03 Oct 2022 in Teaching Materials | from project BIRDD Pub project
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 03 Oct 2022
15 30 1561
4 21 245
Table Top Orientation to the Galapagos Islands and Finches published 03 Oct 2022 in Teaching Materials | from project BIRDD Pub project
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 03 Oct 2022
17 27 636
18 17 640
Teaching Material Incubators published 10 Jan 2017 in Datasets | from project NIBLSE Teaching Resources Incubator
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 10 Jan 2017
14 33 2128
0 5 490
test published 16 May 2016 in Datasets | from project NIBLSE Teaching Resources Incubator
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 16 May 2016
48 57 2329
3 3 236
The Effect of Instructor Communication on Student Perceptions of Mathematics in Biology published 03 Jan 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 03 Jan 2018
14 28 1314
3 4 189
The Impact of Diversity on Group Productivity Within Online Faculty Mentoring Networks (FMNs) of Educators published 21 Dec 2017 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 21 Dec 2017
12 23 1094
4 5 168
The QUBES Resource System: Integrating open educational practices into diverse education reform communities published 28 Oct 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 28 Oct 2019
15 35 1466
4 4 302
The RIOS Institute Strategic Plan published 01 Apr 2022 in Teaching Materials | from project pub-to3p7c43kr
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 01 Apr 2022
20 29 758
5 3 204
Two themes, one talk: Distributing quantitative faculty expertise to classrooms that need it in real-time & measuring professional contributions to undergraduate education published 02 Jan 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project QUBES Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 02 Jan 2018
11 37 1384
4 3 221
Using DNA Subway to Analyze Sequence Relationships published 28 May 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project Using DNA Subway to Analyze Sequence Relationships
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 18 Oct 2017
30 55 4304
7 12 794
Using Science Education Gateways to Improve Undergraduate STEM Education: The QUBES Platform as a Case Study published 08 Feb 2024 in Teaching Materials | from project BioQUEST Resources on QUBES
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 08 Feb 2024
35 626 2048
24 63 159
Visualization: Quantitative reasoning via image analysis, networks, topology, generative models, and 3D rendering published 18 Jan 2018 in Teaching Materials | from project 2015 Summer Workshop Resources
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 18 Jan 2018
14 23 1160
1 2 58
Webinar: Getting Started with QUBES Educational Library Resources - YouTube published 30 Nov 2021 in Teaching Materials | from project Publishing BioQUEST Webinars
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 30 Nov 2021
29 42 832
18 40 370
Webinar: How BioQUEST and QUBES Can Support Your Project published 21 Dec 2021 in Teaching Materials | from project Publishing BioQUEST Webinars
Current monthJul 2024 Previous monthJun 2024 Total to date**since 21 Dec 2021
30 48 901
20 26 456