
Usage is calculated on the last day of every month. For more information on usage data, visit the Usage Overview page.

Table 1: Overview
Item Value
Contributions: 22
Rank by Contributions: 4 / 121
First Contribution: 24 Jan 2015
Last Contribution: 06 Apr 2017
Citations on Contributions: 9
Table 2: Simulation Tool Usage
# Tool Name Users served in last 12 months Simulation Runs in last 12 months Total users served Total Simulation Runs Citations Published On
No data found.
Table 3: "and more" Usage
# Resource Title Users served in last 12 months Total users served Citations Published On
1 QUBES – A virtual synthesis center catalyzing change in undergraduate quantitative biology education Teaching & Reference Material 10 17 - 06 Apr 2017
2 Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Faculty Mentoring Networks: A Model for Promoting Faculty Teaching Scholarship Teaching & Reference Material 13 28 - 06 Apr 2017
3 Faculty Mentoring Networks: A Model for Promoting Teaching Scholarship in Quantitative Biology Education Teaching & Reference Material 9 15 - 06 Apr 2017
4 Reimagining professional development: Faculty mentoring networks as a model for connecting projects and teachers Teaching & Reference Material - - - 13 Mar 2017
5 Faculty Mentoring Networks: A model for professional development in undergraduate quantitative biology education Teaching & Reference Material 12 41 - 17 Nov 2016
6 Integrating Natural History Collections into Undergraduate Education: Creating the Resources and Growing the Community Teaching & Reference Material 10 15 - 14 Nov 2016
7 Confronting the challenges of bringing research data into undergraduate classrooms using online faculty mentoring networks Teaching & Reference Material 11 25 - 07 Nov 2016
8 Incubators: A community based model for improving the usability of bioinformatics learning resources Teaching & Reference Material 21 42 - 07 Nov 2016
9 The Impact of Diversity on Group Productivity Within Online Faculty Mentoring Networks (FMNs) of Educators Teaching & Reference Material 16 43 - 25 May 2016
10 Quantitative biology: how educators that "buy-in" demonstrate greater productivity in teaching scholarship Teaching & Reference Material 9 24 - 25 May 2016
11 Manual for Using BIRDD Teaching & Reference Material 33 60 - 19 Nov 2015
12 QUBES: Supporting faculty in the teaching of mathematical biology Teaching & Reference Material 12 28 - 21 Oct 2015
13 2015 Quantitative Biology Education Summit Meetings & Workshops - - 1 30 Jul 2015
14 2014 QUBES Minisymposium at the Seventh International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology: Education and Research Meetings & Workshops 25 53 1 26 Jul 2015
15 |- QUBES: a community focused on supporting teaching and learning in quantitative biology Teaching & Reference Material 25 53 1 30 Jul 2015
16 |- Two themes, one talk: Distributing quantitative faculty expertise to classrooms that need it in real-time & measuring professional contributions to undergraduate education Teaching & Reference Material 5 13 1 25 Jul 2015
17 QUBES: Building a community to promote undergraduate quantitative biology education Teaching & Reference Material 10 21 1 22 Jul 2015
18 Visualization: Quantitative reasoning via image analysis, networks, topology, generative models, and 3D rendering Teaching & Reference Material - - - 10 Jun 2015
19 Pre-Health Students' Attitudes towards the Relative Importance of Biology and Statistics for their Preparation for Professional School Teaching & Reference Material 8 58 1 07 May 2015
20 Characterizing the Quantitative Biology Curricula from Institutions Across the United States Teaching & Reference Material 7 34 1 29 Apr 2015
21 The Effect of Instructor Communication on Student Perceptions of Mathematics in Biology Teaching & Reference Material 8 32 1 19 Apr 2015
22 Brainstorming ideas Teaching & Reference Material 2 49 - 24 Jan 2015
TOTAL 221 598 8

* Total only includes versions of the tools this author contributed to.