Assoc/Full Prof opportunity at Bates
Dear QUBES Community:
For folks of a computational nature, there's a tenured opening in my Digital and Computational Studies [DCS] program with endowed chairship eligibility. We are looking for someone that can add to our programming offerings and would be excited to be part of building out a relatively new DCS curriculum. This is my second year at Bates, and it has been a very good switch for me. Bates is about 2.5 hours north of Boston/about 45 minutes north of Maine.
DCS is an interdisciplinary computing program for the liberal arts instead of a typical CS department. We've got a good core of faculty interested in quantitative biology, such as biomathematician and DCS chair Meredith Greer. Our integrated DCS core has a data science for social justice theme - students in data cultures right now are reconstructing financial records of the founding mill owner to elucidate financial dependence on southern cotton slavery. Students in my Calling Bull course learn R by thinking about information literacy. Even students in my more traditional intro to computing class and about 30 faculty/staff across the college are reading Race after Technology. This is not your typical computer science department!
We will start reviewing applications December 1. Spread the word.
Many thanks,