
Assoc/Full Prof opportunity at Bates

Dear QUBES Community:

For folks of a computational nature, there's a tenured opening in my Digital and Computational Studies [DCS] program with endowed chairship eligibility. We are looking for someone that can add to our programming offerings and would be excited to be part of building out a relatively new DCS curriculum. This is my second year at Bates, and it has been a very good switch for me. Bates is about 2.5 hours north of Boston/about 45 minutes north of Maine. 

DCS is an interdisciplinary computing program for the liberal arts instead of a typical CS department. We've got a good core of faculty interested in quantitative biology, such as biomathematician and DCS chair Meredith Greer. Our integrated DCS core has a data science for social justice theme - students in data cultures right now are reconstructing financial records of the founding mill owner to elucidate financial dependence on southern cotton slavery. Students in my Calling Bull course learn R by thinking about information literacy. Even students in my more traditional intro to computing class and about 30 faculty/staff across the college are reading Race after Technology. This is not your typical computer science department!

We will start reviewing applications December 1. Spread the word.  

Many thanks,


  1. computation
  2. job
  3. programming
  4. social justice

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