
Smithsonian Data Science Lab postdoctoral fellowships

The Smithsonian Institution Data Science Lab ( housed within the Office of the Chief Information Officer (SI-OCIO) in Washington, DC, is seeking two postdoctoral fellows to conduct independent research and digital humanities scholarship in collaboration with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Smithsonian American Women’s History Initiative.

The Data Science Lab was recently formed in response to the dramatic increase in all forms of digital data across the Smithsonian (19 museums, 9 research centers, and a zoo). We seek to build collaborations both across Smithsonian units, as well as universities and other institutions. Members of our group work on a variety of data-intensive research topics, including biodiversity genomics and machine learning applications of digitized museum collections.

Please see for details, and email ( or tweet (@SIDataScience) with questions!

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Profile picture of Rebecca Dikow

Rebecca Dikow onto Opportunities in the Field

Earth Lab Earth Analytics Education Initiative at CU Boulder

The Earth Lab Earth Analytics Education Initiative at the University of Colorado -- Boulder is building an innovative program that provides core in-market demand technical skills at the intersection of Earth and data science to undergraduate, graduate and professional students. The program includes formal courses, workshops, career development events with industry partners, paid undergraduate internships, an open online learning portal with global reach, and a professional certificate in Earth data analytics, one of the first of its kind in the country. We are committed to expanding the reach of Earth data science education for students across varying academic, professional, socio-economic and geographic dimensions to ensure broad accessibility to novel curriculum. All courses are offered through both online and traditional options, allowing students to participate in-person, online in real-time, or asynchronously by reviewing materials at their own pace. 

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Profile picture of Jenny Palomino

Jenny Palomino onto Organizations and Initiatives

Adobe Blogs on Accessibility

Series of blogs by Matt May, Adobe's head of inclusive design. 

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Hayley Orndorf onto Media

Designing Accessible OERs with POUR

Links to a Google slide presentation by CAST representatives on designing accessible Open Educational Resources. 

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Hayley Orndorf onto Tools and Resources

DO-IT Center Resources

Several links to guides and lists of resources for accessible teaching from the DO-IT Center out of the University of Washington.

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Hayley Orndorf onto Tools and Resources

Best Practices on Visuals/Referencing

Suggestions for using visuals and references based in the principles of universal design. Practices are provided and hosted by DeafTEC.

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Hayley Orndorf onto Tools and Resources

A Guide to Dyslexia-friendly PowerPoint

A PDF with guidelines for creating dyslexia-friendly PowerPoint presentations from York St John University

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Hayley Orndorf onto Tools and Resources

NVDA Screen Reader

NVDA is an open source software screen reader. Their site has information about its development, help guides, and a free download. 

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Hayley Orndorf onto Tools and Resources

Universal Design for Learning: Theory & Practice

Create a free account at CAST to access this book, Universal Design for Learning: Theory & Practice

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Hayley Orndorf onto Resources at CAST

AAAS EntryPoint!

Entry Point!, a signature program of the AAAS Project on Science, Technology and Disability, is a national effort to discover and develop talent among undergraduate and graduate students with disabilities who demonstrated a talent and interest in pursuing a STEM career. The primary goal of the project is to increase the diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce at the professional level.

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Profile picture of Kristin Jenkins

Kristin Jenkins onto Professional Society Activities

Federation for the Sciences and Disability

The Foundation for Science and Disability (FSD) was founded in 1975 as a non-profit organization to promote the integration of scientists with disabilities into all activities of the scientific community and of society as a whole and to promote the removal of barriers that hinder success of students with disabilities in pursuit of scientific careers.  FSD is affiliated with AAAS and offers a graduate student grant program.

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Kristin Jenkins onto Professional Society Activities

Universal Design for Learning Guidelines

The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn.

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Hayley Orndorf onto Resources at CAST

A Primer in Biological Data Analysis and Visualization Using R

Author: Gregg Hartvigsen

    "Taught at a workshop on network analysis using R at the national Institute for mathematical and Biological Synthesis at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville."

Published: February 18, 2014 by Columbia University Press

Summary: This book guides readers through the processes of entering data into R, working with data in R, and using R to visualize data using histograms, boxplots, barplots, scatterplots, and other common graph types.  Hartvigsen covers testing data for normality, defining and identifying outliers, and working with non-normal data.  Students are introduced to common one- and two-sample tests as well as one- and two-analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation, and linear and non-linear regression analyses. Also included is a secion on advanced procedures and a chapter inroducing algorithms and the art of programming using R.

For a preview of this book, click here

For a  purchase through amazon



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Profile picture of David Leaf

David Leaf onto R

Getting Started with R: An Introduction for Biologists

Author: Andrew P. Beckerman, Owen L. Petchey

    "Evolutionary Ecologists with over 20 years of combined experience using R for data analysis and visualization"

Published: July 22, 2012 by Oxford University Press

This book provides a fundamental introduction for biologists new to R.  While teaching how to import, explore, graph and analyze data, it keeps readers focussed on their ultimate goals-communicating their data in oral presentations, posters, papers, and reports.  It also provides a consistent workflow for using R that is simple, efficient, reliable, accurate, and reproducible.  The material in the book reproduces the engaging and sometimes humorous nature of the three-day course on which it is based.

For a preview of this book, click here

For purchase through Amazon

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David Leaf onto R

The New Statistics with R: An Introduction for Biologist

Author: Andy Hector

    " He currently convenes and teaches statistics on the Quantitative Methods for Biologsits course for undergraduates at the Universtiy of Oxford.  He has contributed to several publications on eccologal analysis."

Published: March 15, 2015 by Oxford University Press

Summary: This book provides a contemporary introduction to the classical techniques and modern ectensions of linear model analysis.  It emphasizes on estimation-based approach that accounts for recent criticisms of over-use of probability values and introduces the alternative approach using information criteria.  It is based on the use of the open-source R programming language for statistics and graphics that is rapidly becoming the lingua franca in many areas of science.  Statistics is introduced through worked analyses preformed in R using interesting data sets from ecology, evoluntionary biology, and environmental science.  Data sets and R scripts are available as supporting material.

For a preview of this book, click here

For chapter summaries, click here

For purchase through Amazon

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David Leaf onto R

Northwest BioSciences Consortium

QUBES site for the NWBC group. To learn more about NWBC.

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David Leaf onto Core competencies

Slides from SABER West 2019 workshop

Powerpoint slides used during the SABER West 2019 "Scaffolding Core Competency Learning Outcomes across the Undergraduate Biology Curriculum" workshop.

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David Leaf onto Core competencies

Core competency reference sheet

Reference sheet from the workshop. Adapted from 2011 Vision and Change report by Stasinos Stavrianeas.

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David Leaf onto Core competencies

Process of Science

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David Leaf onto Core competencies

Modeling & Simulation

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David Leaf onto Core competencies

Communication & Collaboration

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David Leaf onto Core competencies

Quantitative Reasoning

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David Leaf onto Core competencies

Interdisciplinary Nature of Science

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David Leaf onto Core competencies

Science & Society

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David Leaf onto Core competencies

Impact of faculty mind set on student success


Canning, E.A., Muenks, K., Green, D.J., Murphy, M. 2019. STEM faculty who believe ability is fixed have larger racial achievement gaps and inspire less student motivation in their classes Science Advances  15 Feb 2019: Vol. 5, no. 2, eaau4734 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau4734

"Results from a longitudinal university-wide sample (150 STEM professors and more than 15,000 students) revealed that the racial achievement gaps in courses taught by more fixed mindset faculty were twice as large as the achievement gaps in courses taught by more growth mindset faculty. Course evaluations revealed that students were demotivated and had more negative experiences in classes taught by fixed (versus growth) mindset faculty. Faculty mindset beliefs predicted student achievement and motivation above and beyond any other faculty characteristic, including their gender, race/ethnicity, age, teaching experience, or tenure status. "


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David Leaf onto Inclusion