
curriculum Resourcees: Geosciences

This collection will contain curricular materials from geosciences

1 posts

Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller

DNA Barcoding

1 posts

Profile picture of R Deborah Overath

R Deborah Overath

Genetics Related

4 posts

Profile picture of R Deborah Overath

R Deborah Overath

Resources from SENCER

1 posts

Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller

Justice and DEI: Medicine

This collection will contain examples from medical sciences.

4 posts

Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller

Curriculum Resources: Engineering

This collection will contain justice and DEI resources for engineering


0 posts

Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller

Curriculum Resources: Math

This collection will contain curriculum resources for social justice and DEI in math

0 posts

Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller

curricculum resources: physics

Place suggested resources tht relate physics topic to social justice here.

For discussing new ideas, we might use the forum.

3 posts

Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller

Resources Enviromental Science

This is the place to suggest existing resources and ideas for new ones related to environmental sciences.

0 posts

Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller

Case Studies from Enduring Legacies

The Enduring Legacy site has many case studies that impact indigineous peoples from mnay disciplinary approaches.  This collection suggests several that may give you ideas.

2 posts

Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller

Publications and Resources for book

This collection will contain resources such as articles on Social Justice in STEMM curricula.

2 posts

Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller

SJ in Chem Ed

This is a place to share Chemistry examples addressing social justice.

7 posts

Profile picture of Sam S Donovan

Sam S Donovan

field and ecology

1 posts

Profile picture of Melissa Kelley

Melissa Kelley

A&P materials

3 posts

Profile picture of Melissa Kelley

Melissa Kelley


1 posts

Profile picture of Charlotte Cates

Charlotte Cates


Transforming Assessment, Feedback, and Grading in Undergraduate Biology Education

Monday May 15th 10-11:30am EST

In this online webinar, the Steering Committee of the NSF RCN-UBE incubator network Transforming Assessment, Feedback, and Grading in Undergraduate Biology Education (TUnE-Bio) will share the results of a major survey of introductory biology instructors about their current assessment, feedback, and grading practices, hopes for improving practices in these realms, and perceived barriers to and constraints on innovation. These results will be shared in a "lightning talk" format by the speakers. Following the hour of presentation, there will be optional breakout rooms where we solicit ideas from the audience for what our network could offer in the future.



0 posts

Profile picture of Michele Lemons

Michele Lemons

social justice in stem

11 posts

Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller

Social Justice Examples Biology

This collection will contain social justice curriculum examples for Biology courses

2 posts

Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller

Inclusive Teaching

2 posts

Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller


1 posts

Profile picture of Alketa Nina

Alketa Nina

Recommended readings for the RCN-UBE Summit meeting in June, 2023

This collection contains a set of resources that will be discussed during the face to face summit meeting. 

5 posts

Profile picture of Sam S Donovan

Sam S Donovan


Course useful to be implemented in K-2-BCM

0 posts

Profile picture of Peter Friedhoff

Peter Friedhoff

DEI seminar

1 posts

Profile picture of Katie Weglarz

Katie Weglarz