Past SCUDEM Events /

SCUDEM Lite 2020

SCUDEM Lite 2020

MAA Intermountain Section Student Team Challenge Using Derivative Action Modeling

The MAA Intermountain Section MAA meeting was cancelled due to health concerns. SIMIODE proceeded with SCUDEM Lite 2020 with the posting of this problem and instructions .

SCUDEM Lite 2020 Materials and Videos is where you can find complete results from the resulting online version of SCUDEM Lite 2020.

SIMIODE, in conjunction with the Intermountain Section of the Mathematical Association of America, sponsored a team event in which three member student teams from high schools or undergraduate schools will work on a modeling problem involving change.

This was a first attempt at bringing this event to an MAA Section meeting. We would like to express our gratitude and acknowledge the idea and energy behind this event DR Vinodh Kumar Chellamuthu, Mathematics Department, Dixie State University, St. George UT USA. If other MAA Section leaders are interested in doing this for the students and faculty in their section next spring please contact us

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