Information for Students

The SIMIODE Challenge Using Differential Equations Modeling is a group experience for a 3-student team and their coach.

  1. During the Challenge Period, your team will produce a model responding to one of the Challenge Problems.
  2. By the end of the Challenge Period, your team will create a strict limit 10 minute video to support and explain your model.
  3. The videos are reviewed by at least 3 judges and your team will be given written feedback. Most teams have received many more than 3 reviewers comments — lots of constructive feedback. Your team will receive an Outstanding, Meritorious, or Successful certification.

Form your team, find a coach, and register to participate.

SCUDEM IX 2024 Challenge Period begins on Saturday, 19 October 2024, which is when the problems will be released, and ends on Tuesday 12 November 2024, which is when your submission form must be received.

Please be sure to read the complete Rules for SCUDEM.


  • Team camaraderie — students who participate in SCUDEM and COMAP's MCM/ICM frequently say that modeling in teams has been the best undergraduate experience they have had
  • Meet students from other schools — share your SCUDEM experience with others passionate about applying mathematics
  • Experience for graduate school or resume — develop work similar to higher level research or an industrial project
  • Insight to different applications of differential equations — these aren't your textbook problems


The SCUDEM IX 2024 Challenge Period begins at 12:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time on Saturday, 19 October 2024, which is when the problems will be released.

After the challenge begins, student team members may not receive help from living beings, including the coach. So, we encourage you to meet with your coach and get their advice about modeling, discuss scenarios from past events, and talk about any other aspects of the challenge prior to the start of the challenge period.

The scenarios are designed so that every team can succeed in modeling, thus building skills and confidence in using differential equations.

Before the Challenge

We expect teams to coordinate and work together virtually and/or in person, especially since many teams have members in different geographical areas. Take time to get to know each other, and find time to meet with your Coach. Familiarize yourself with previous SCUDEM problems and work with your coach to learn more about approaching this type of modeling problem. You may also be interested in the scoring rubric used by our judges.

Challenge Period

Beginning one minute after midnight EDT, Saturday, 19 October 2024, teams will access three Challenge Problems which are modeling scenarios involving differential equations in physics/engineering, chemistry/life sciences, or social sciences. Each team will select one scenario and develop a modeling approach and solution with an understanding of limitations to their model. Remember there is no assistance from animate sources during this period.

Each team prepares a 10-minute video presentation on their work which should be uploaded to YouTube before the end of the Challenge Period. Please mark the visibility of your video as Unlisted until the Judging is completed.

Also prior to the deadline, your team should complete the SCUDEM Team Video Submission Form where you will provide the unlisted YouTube URL to your video.

The deadline to upload your video and complete the video submission form is 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday, 12 November 2024, which is the end of the Challenge Period.

After the Challenge

Be proud of your hard work, and the work of your team mates. You have spent time learning many things related to modeling, differential equations, presentation skills, and team building. Celebrate and relax.

Judges will review videos submitted by the challenge deadline. At least 3 judges will review your video and provide feedback. The results are expected to be announced by mid-December 2024. Your team will receive the written feedback and an Outstanding, Meritorious, or Successful certificate. This is a nice time to re-connect with your team and discuss the experience and results.

If your team receives an Outstanding Award we will place your video on the SIMIODE YouTube playlist for public viewing. Participation by students implies agreement to that principle.


All teams and coaches must abide by the Official Rules for SCUDEM IX 2024.

Student Support Materials

While these materials are from SCUDEM 2020, they continue to be relevant to SCUDEM 2024.

  • Modeling Guide for Student and Coach — a student perspective on modeling process, especially as it relates to SCUDEM.
  • Useful Resources — good video or voice over PowerPoint information, OverLeaf (collaborative LaTeX), technical mathematics software.
  • Team Meeting Platforms — ideas for team meeting platforms. We recommend visiting websites for specifics before committing to one platform

Helpful Comments from the Author of SCUDEM Problems

We have posted complete problem statements and student submissions as Challenge Results from previous SCUDEM events, along with Commentary and Overview on the Problems from the problem author, Dr. Kelly Black, Department of Mathematics, University of Georgia, Athens GA USA.

These are very worthwhile reads, highlighting good practices in modeling and communicating results. These materials can be found under Challenge Results for each year at the Past SCUDEM Events wiki.

Created by Leigh Noble Last Modified Sun September 8, 2024 8:21 pm by Brian Winkel


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