Past SCUDEM Events /

SCUDEM V 2020 Results

SCUDEM V 2020 - Mission Completed

Congratulations for team success in SCUDEM V 2020. This year’s SIMIODE Challenge Using Differential Equations Modeling (SCUDEM) saw 130 teams of three students each complete a ten-minute video on one of three problems. See Complete Problem Statements of the three SCUDEM V 2020 problems.

Judging was completed on 7 December 2020, whereupon awards were made shortly thereafter. All 27 Outstanding Award team videos are available in the playlist at SIMIODE YouTube site.

There were 180 teams registered so we reach out to the 50 teams who did not submit a video and wish them well in these difficult times. We understand the difficulties in working at a distance and producing a video.

There were 95 faculty and industry coaches, 502 students, and 380 judges from around the world engaged in SCUDEM V 2020 and we thank all for their participation.

Of the 130 teams who submitted a video 27 received an Outstanding Award, 44 received a Meritorious Award, and 59 received a Successful Award.

The break down on problems is as follows:

Problem A (42) Outstanding-4, Meritorious-21, Successful-17

Problem B (53) Outstanding-11, Meritorious-20, Successful-22

Problem C (35) Outstanding-12, Meritorious-3, Successful-20

On a 1 (Low) to 5 (High) scale the average score was 3.52 with standard deviation of 0.68. The highest score was 4.875. On average, each team received a score and constructive comments from 8 judges. Some received more and some received less, because we asked judges to evaluate three videos and some judges viewed more than three of their own choice and some judges did not respond.

Outstanding Award winning teams were invited to submit their video for posting at the SIMIODE YouTube site. SIMIODE does not publish award levels of teams for SCUDEM, rather we share this information on award level with each team to use as they wish. We provide Press Release forms in the various groups: Students, Coaches, and Judges, for use in spreading the word about participation, perhaps through public information offices or department auspices.

No matter what award level a team received, know that all grew in their modeling and communication skills by tackling their chosen problem and we say, “Congratulations!"

Join us next year in fall 2021 for SCUDEM VI 2021.

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