Maintenance of Phenotypic Polymorphism and a Scientist Spotlight Featuring Dr. Swanne Gordon
Author(s): Robert E Furrow
University of California, Davis
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In this lesson students interpret graphical evidence of frequency-dependent selection in the wood tiger moth, then make long-term evolutionary predictions. They then read and reflect on an interview with researcher Dr. Swanne Gordon.
- Moth Polymorphism Homework Handout.docx(DOCX | 3 MB)
- Moth Polymorphism Instructor Guide.docx(DOCX | 16 KB)
- License terms
Instructor Guide and Homework Handout for a brief lesson on frequency-dependent selection, combined with a Scientist Spotlight of Dr. Swanne Gordon.
Course Information
Designed for a lower division general biology lecture course that may be be online or live and has 1000+ students.
Quantitative learning objective
- Interpret bar plots representing data on evolutionary fitness in multiple experimental populations
- Reconcile data on single-generation fitness with long-term predictions about a population’s evolution
Content learning objective
- Use data to identify the type(s) of selection that might be occurring in a natural system.
- Contrast different types of data that can be gathered in an experimental evolution study
Social justice learning objectives
- Increase students’ potential vision of future self as a scientist
- Increase students’ relatability to scientists
Cite this work
Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Furrow, R. E. (2021). Maintenance of Phenotypic Polymorphism and a Scientist Spotlight Featuring Dr. Swanne Gordon. Scientists Spotlights and Data Nuggets, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/XW84-CZ53