Tags: professional development

Resources (1-16 of 16)

  1. BioGraphI FMN Leader Guide (Template version) - Google Docs

    22 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Suann Yang1, Rachel M. Pigg2, Kristen Butela3, Robert E Furrow4, Elizabeth Hamman5, Dmitry Kondrashov6, Ana Elisa Garcia-Vedrenne7, Min Zhong8, Jessica Ashley Allen9, Eilea Knotts10, Desiree Forsythe11, Pat Marsteller12

    1. State University of New York College at Geneseo 2. University of Louisville 3. University of Pittsburgh 4. University of California, Davis 5. St Mary's College of Maryland 6. University of Chicago 7. University of California, Irvine 8. Auburn University 9. Columbia College 10. University of South Carolina 11. Rochester Institute of Technology 12. Emory University

    This document contains the leader guide for the Biologist and Graph Interpretation (BioGraphI) Project’s semester-long Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). FMN leaders use it to organize the FMN, and...


  2. Template BioGraphI FMN Flash Talks - Google Slides

    22 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Ana Elisa Garcia-Vedrenne1, Suann Yang2, Rachel M. Pigg3, Desiree Forsythe4, Eilea Knotts5

    1. University of California, Irvine 2. State University of New York College at Geneseo 3. University of Louisville 4. Rochester Institute of Technology 5. University of South Carolina

    This document contains a template for creating the final show-and-tell slide deck for the Biologist and Graph Interpretation (BioGraphI) Network’s semester-long Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN)....


  3. Leveraging Panel Discussions to Promote Positive Representation, Develop Science Identity, and Shift Stereotypes

    10 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Mike Quan Huynh1, Bellal Naderi1, Stephen Ingalls1, Audrey Parangan-Smith1, Blake Riggs1, Laura W. Burrus*1

    San Francisco State University

    The overrepresentation of cis straight white male scientists in examples used in Biology curriculum makes it difficult for students with other axes of diversity (race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality,...


  4. BioGraphI FMN Notes Template (w/ Agenda) - Google Docs

    02 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Suann Yang1, Rachel Pigg2

    1. SUNY Geneseo 2. University of Louisville

    This document contains a template for taking notes during meetings of the Biologist and Graph Interpretation (BioGraphI) Network’s semester-long Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). These notes are...


  5. BioGraphI FMN Forum Post Prompts Compiled (Template Version) - Google Docs

    02 Jul 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Suann Yang1, Merrie Renee Richardson2, Rachel M. Pigg3

    1. State University of New York College at Geneseo 2. Southcentral Kentucky Community & Technical College 3. University of Louisville

    This document contains the discussion forum prompts for the Biologist and Graph Interpretation (BioGraphI) Network’s semester-long Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). FMN leaders use it to set up the...


  6. A Multi-Institutional Alternative Assessment Faculty Learning Community: Supporting Teaching in Higher Education

    12 Sep 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Lawrence R. Chen1, K. Breana Downey2, Erin L. Whitteck*3

    1. McGill University 2. University of Central Oklahoma 3. University of Missouri–St. Louis

    Faculty learning communities (FLCs) provide opportunities for professional development for faculty, teaching staff, and educational developers in a collaborative and open environment. In this...


  7. Exploring Interdisciplinary Professional Development Opportunities through the Quantitative Biology at Community Colleges QB@CC Project

    19 Jul 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Irene Corriette1, Sheela Vemu2

    1. Santa Fe College 2. Waubonsee Community College - Tenure Track and Northern Illinois University

    The Quantitative Biology at Community Colleges (QB@CC) project provides a platform for open education resource (OER) development. Biology and mathematics faculty collaborate, create, and publish...


  8. An Active Learning Workshop to Teach Active Learning Strategies

    23 Nov 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Eva Y. Ma1, Karen Freisem2, Salwa Al-Noori3, Elaine R. Klein4, Rebecca M. Price*3

    1. University of Washington Tacoma 2. University of Washington 3. University of Washington Bothell 4. Educurious Partners

    College instructors who learn how to teach actively at the beginning of their careers do not have to modify deeply set habits that rely on lectures. Instead, they develop their teaching while they...


  9. Training future faculty in 30 minutes a week: A modular framework to provide just-in-time professional development to graduate teaching assistants

    29 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Lorelei Elizabeth Patrick*†1, E. William Wischusen2

    1. Louisiana State University and University of Minnesota 2. Louisiana State University

    Despite increasing recognition of the need to train the teaching assistants (TAs) teaching the majority of STEM lab sections, very few programs report offering sustained teaching professional...


  10. Built-in Flexibility: Lessons learned to engage your community virtually

    10 Dec 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Andrew Osborne Hasley1, Hayley Orndorf2, Deborah Rook1

    1. BioQUEST 2. University of Pittsburgh

    Materials and resources for "Built-in Flexibility," an episode of the webinar series, "Adapting to COVID-19: Resources for Natural History Collections in a New Virtual World."


  11. Built-in Flexibility: Lessons learned to engage your community virtually

    07 Dec 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Andrew Osborne Hasley1, Hayley Orndorf2, Deborah Rook1

    1. BioQUEST 2. University of Pittsburgh

    Materials and resources for "Built-in Flexibility," an episode of the webinar series, "Adapting to COVID-19: Resources for Natural History Collections in a New Virtual World."


  12. UDL of the Day: Introducing Faculty to Universal Design for Learning through Case Activities

    09 Oct 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Andrew Osborne Hasley1, Hayley Orndorf2

    1. University of Wisconsin - Madison 2. University of Pittsburgh

    Presentation by BioQUEST on providing Universal Design for Learning professional development, given at the Octboer 2019 UDL-HE Digicon


  13. Successful Strategies for Promoting Change in Undergraduate Biology Departments

    06 Aug 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By C. Gary Reiness1, Gita Bangera2, Claire Bronson3, Steve Byers4, Bill Davis5, Alyce DeMarais6, Ginger Fitzhugh7, Christine Goedhart8, Nalani Linder9, Carrie Liston7, Jenny McFarland10, Erika Offerdahl5, Joann Otto11, Carol Pollock8, Pamela Pape-Lindstrom12, Stas Stavrianeas13

    1. Lewis & Clark College 2. Bellevue College 3. Viz-Spark 4. Helping Human Systems 5. Washington State University 6. University of Puget Sound 7. Education Development Center 8. University of British Columbia 9. NP Linder Consulting 10. Edmonds Community College 11. Western Washington University 12. Harford Community College 13. Willamette University

    Poster on PULSE workshops presented at the 2019 BioQUEST & QUBES Summer Workshop


  14. Faculty Mentoring Networks for Botany Faculty Professional Development

    23 Jul 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By J. Phil Gibson

    University of Oklahoma

    Poster presented at the 2019 Botanical Society of America conference.


  15. Faculty professional development in quantitative biology promotes scholarly teaching

    09 May 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Gabriela Hamerlinck1, Kevin Kidder, Sondra Marie LoRe2, Pam Bishop3, Kristin Jenkins4, Sam S Donovan5

    1. QUBES, BioQUEST 2. SPEAR (STEM Program Evaluation, Assessment, & Research) Consultants 3. National Institute for STEM Evaluation and Research 4. BioQUEST 5. University of Pittsburgh

    Poster presented at NABT 2017 in St. Louis, Missouri


  16. QUBES: a community focused on supporting teaching and learning in quantitative biology

    02 Jan 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Sam S Donovan1, Carrie Diaz Eaton2, Tom Gower3, Kristin Jenkins4, Drew LaMar5, DorothyBelle Poli6, Bob Sheehy7, Jeremy M Wojdak7

    1. University of Pittsburgh 2. Unity College 3. North Carolina State University 4. BioQUEST 5. College of William and Mary 6. Roanoke College 7. Radford University

    This letter provides an overview of the Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES) Project funded through the National Science Foundation.
