
UCINET Software

UCINET 6 for Windows is a software package for the analysis of social network data. It was developed by Lin Freeman, Martin Everett and Steve Borgatti. It comes with the NetDraw network visualization tool. 

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The Power of Partnerships: A Guide from the NSF GK-12 Program

We are pleased to announce the release of The Power of Partnerships, a new publication from the GK-12 program that provides effective practices for anyone who wants to create a project that partners STEM graduate students with K-12 teachers on a sustained basis. The recommendations come from the GK-12 community–faculty, graduate students, K-12 teachers, program managers, and evaluators. The writing team, 34 participants from GK-12 projects around the US and Puerto Rico, came to Washington, DC in fall 2011 to determine the best way to tell the world about the program and to capture the GK-12 legacy. We encourage you to read the guide and share it with colleagues in your community, the US, and internationally.

This was brought up in the Managing Networks discussion as an example to emulate in creating a management manual for RCNs.

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ACE Bio: Assessment of Competence in Experimental Design in Biology

This RCN-UBE project seeks to create a network of educational specialists (who study how students learn) and scientists (who are active researchers) to develop assessment tools that directly measure what students learn about experimental design in biology through undergraduate research and classroom experiences.


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Drew LaMar onto RCN-UBEs

Project REDCap: Research Electronic Data Capture

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EREN: Ecological Research as Education Network

EREN Mission

To create a model for collaborative ecological research that generates high-quality, publishable data involving undergraduate students and faculty at primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs).

Website Poster

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Drew LaMar onto RCN-UBEs

Model for Systemic Institutional Change

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Understanding Evolutionary History: An Introduction to Tree Thinking

A reading that introduces students to the basic concepts of phylogenetic trees and provides practice problems.

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Profile picture of Alison N Hale

Alison N Hale onto Tree of Life: Speciation

human demography from physical cemeteries, 'virtual cemeteries' and census data

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The R code and data are deposited at Github:  

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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto General QuantBio

Blood Book

Data source for the module

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Profile picture of Hayley Orndorf

Hayley Orndorf onto ABO Blood Group Frequencies

Extinction-related resources from HHMI

A variety of engaging videos, lectures, posters, and classroom activities to teach key concepts related to extinctions past and present.

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A Guide to Digitized Natural History Collections

Natural history museums around the world have been growing beyond display cases and dioramas for years, and many are digitizing their vast collections. These efforts create lasting records of the natural world that might otherwise be inaccessible, unless you know a friendly curator willing to take you behind the scenes. Below are several notable digitization efforts that you can explore, and even contribute to.

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Drew LaMar onto Big data

75 Years of Mortality in the United States, 1935–2010


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Extraordinary lifespans in ants: a test of evolutionary theories of ageing

This paper has a great figure showing the range of lifespans in ants and other closely related species

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Age-specific rates of fecundity for female baboons

This paper contains primary data on age-specific fecundity in female baboons. Sam Donovan has provided a useful extension of the module for calculating growth rates and his example has students use chimpanzee data. The exercise can be extended with the addition of this data for baboons as well.

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Predator foraging behavior and patterns of avian nest success: What can we learn from an agent-based model?

  • I studied the relationship between predators, nest dispersion, and nest success.
  • I built an agent-based model using data from nesting waterfowl, skunks, and foxes.
  • Predation risk is diluted when nests are clustered and predation is incidental.
  • When predators respond strongly to nest density, widely spaced nests survive better.
  • Habitat management that imposes nest clustering could create ecological traps.

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Drew LaMar onto Primary and news articles

The goal of the cookbook is to provide solutions to common tasks and problems in analyzing data.

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Drew LaMar onto Learning and Using R

Linked Genes and Recombination: Advanced Punnett Squares

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Profile picture of Hayley Orndorf

Hayley Orndorf onto MathBench Resources

Math Bench Probability and Statistics: Mice with Fangs- Intro to Punnett Squares

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Hayley Orndorf onto MathBench Resources

More Mice With Fangs: Intermediate Punnett Squares

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Hayley Orndorf onto MathBench Resources

Years You Have Left to Live, Probably

This simulation allows you to enter your age and gender and then it will generate a distribution of years you have left based on the current US life expectancy estimates from the CDC.

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Genome Solver

Community for genome analysis

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Atteh Akoto onto Tools for Teaching Bioinformatics

Genomics Education Partnership

The goal of the Genomics Education Partnership is to provide opportunities for undergraduate students to participate in genomics research. GEP is a collaboration between a growing number of primarily undergraduate institutions and the Biology Dept and Genome Center of Washington University in St. Louis. Participating undergraduates learn to take raw sequence data to high quality finished sequence, and to annotate genes and other features, leading to analysis of a question in genomics and research publication. GEP organizes research projects and provides training/collaboration workshops for PUI faculty and teaching assistants.

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Atteh Akoto onto Tools for Teaching Bioinformatics