
Chapter on fitting various linear and nonlinear regression models using R

Assumes basic familiarity with regression modeling and quickly goes through a bunch of different types of models with sample R code to fit them on some sample datasets.

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Profile picture of Colin Reimer Dawson

Colin Reimer Dawson onto Computing Tools (R)

Class Notes

I use this template often for class notes.  It prioritizes margin space with margin notes and I think it promotes using the notes in a more "engaging" way.

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Profile picture of Benjamin R Morin

Benjamin R Morin onto Writing & Presentation Tips

Do Your Students Take Good Notes?

A blog post from Chronicles of Higher Ed with links to three other note-taking guides. The third link includes the following tips:

  • Identify key concepts in the day’s lesson: “Now here’s something you need to have in your notes. Listen carefully.”
  • Challenge students to retrieve things from their notes: “Look at your notes from November 5. What have you got about X? Nothing? That’s not good.”
  • Provide a definition, pause, and give students one minute to rewrite it in their own words. Ask students why it might be important to do so.
  • At the beginning of the period, give students three minutes to review their notes and summarize them in a sentence. Have several students share their summary, which the class then compares, revises, etc.
  • At the end of class have students trade notes with somebody sitting near them and use their partner’s notes to review the class session. Ask them to identify what was the same and different about their notes and those of their partner?
  • For frequently missed exam questions, have everyone find the date when that content was covered and see what they have in their notes that relates to the question. Ask someone who got the question correct to read what they have in their notes.
  • Tell students that any notes they take in class today can be used when they take the quiz tomorrow. Follow-up at the end of class by asking how that changed listening and note-taking.

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Profile picture of May Mei

May Mei onto Writing & Presentation Tips

The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking

Article on difference between taking notes by hand vs on a computer.

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Profile picture of May Mei

May Mei onto Writing & Presentation Tips

NSF DMS Math Bio Grants

Main information page for applying for math bio grants from NSF DMS. Be aware that you can apply to this program on a special RUI (Research at Undergraduate Institutions) track.

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NSF DMS Applied Mathematics Grants

Main information page for applying for applied math grants from NSF DMS. Be aware that you can apply to this program on a special RUI (Research at Undergraduate Institutions) track.

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Diversity and Inclusion in STEM

This is from Sarah Blunt, Katie Hsia, Alicia Rocha, and Doug Shea, from work they did in Bjorn Sandstede's class at Brown University, shared by Chad Topaz.

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Profile picture of Carrie Diaz Eaton

Carrie Diaz Eaton onto Diversity and Inclusion

Adventures in Academic Year Research

An article in the Notices by Kathryn Leonard (then at Cal State Channel Islands) where she reflects on her undergraduate research experience.  Includes good tips and links to other resources.

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Tips for being a good mathematical audience member

This is a handout I use for my classes for how to listen to a mathematical presentation. It has how to dialogue with yourself and what questions that could lead you to ask a speaker.

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Profile picture of May Mei

May Mei onto Writing & Presentation Tips

What Makes An Expert?

What the Best College Students Do

This is the second chapter from this book - this talks about deep learning vs shallow learning and the way in which motivation affects the way information is encoded. Disclaimer: This reading made my students mad.

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Profile picture of May Mei

May Mei onto Pedagogical Readings

How Learning Works

How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching

Great book - highly recommended! But I give the following summary of the principles from the book to my students to read.

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Profile picture of May Mei

May Mei onto Pedagogical Readings

Pre- and Post-calculus modeling: workshop

Notes for teaching a lower-level modeling course

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GAIMME report

Great K-16 resource for mathematical modeling

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Solving DEs in R (ODE, PDE, DAE, BVP)

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Profile picture of Erica Graham

Erica Graham onto Computing Tools (R)

Is this the end for Facebook...

This is a cool paper for modeling that I think students could recreate and have a great discussion about.  You don't really need a lot of background per se to understand the application area because students can use a lot of their own knowledge about social media.  There are also a lot of options to make extensions.

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Guidelines for projects

These were guidelines for a major project done as a team in an upper division modeling course

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Profile picture of Ami Radunskaya

Ami Radunskaya onto Mathematical modeling course

Module for Solve ODEs in R

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Profile picture of Erica Graham

Erica Graham onto Computing Tools (R)

Article Reading Assignments

Reading questions for students to consider/answer as they read through math modeling papers. This document is constructed with the idea that a student will read the paper (or portions of the paper) in several passes. The grouping of the questions in Step 1, Step 2, etc., break the questions down into what students might consider in a first pass, a second pass, etc. with an eye towards the student developing a rubric for what makes a well written math modeling paper.

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Harvard Implicit Bias Test

The most well-known test for detecting implicit bias (which we all have!). Taking this test can be an eye-opening experience for faculty and students.

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Profile picture of Chad Topaz

Chad Topaz onto Diversity and Inclusion

Research Log Template

Template for research log that I use with my research students. Template contains definition of new commands in TeX for goals, log entries, meeting notes, and reflections. I have students maintain this file in a shared folder while they are doing research. My research students are expected to make goals for each week, a log entry for each day they work on their research project, and a reflection entry at the end of each week.

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Requests for New Modules

Place a comment in order to request new modules.

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Profile picture of Benjamin R Morin

Benjamin R Morin onto Computing Tools (R)

Guidelines for publishing papers containing theory and modeling

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Profile picture of Blerta Shtylla

Blerta Shtylla onto Writing & Presentation Tips

Requests for New Modules

Comment on this in order to request new modules.

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Profile picture of Benjamin R Morin

Benjamin R Morin onto Computing tools (MATLAB)

Association for Women in Mathematics

AWM has the opportunity for chapters.  It was also recently awarded a grant to renovate their site, so look for a new link soon!

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Profile picture of Carrie Diaz Eaton

Carrie Diaz Eaton onto Diversity and Inclusion

Module on Solving ODEs in MATLAB

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Profile picture of Nessy Tania

Nessy Tania onto Computing tools (MATLAB)