
Designing an Asynchronous, Self-Led Aquatic Ecology Field Trip

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and increasing need to teach students online, aquatic scientists are looking for ways to give students field experiences virtually. Asynchronous, self-led field trips are emerging as a solution. However, due to the varying circumstances surrounding students and the dangers of exploring near water alone, asynchronous field trips need to be designed with equity, inclusivity, and safety in mind. Here, I provide a guide to creating inclusive field trips meant to introduce students to making qualitative scientific observations about aquatic ecosystems. This guide for designing an asynchronous, self-led aquatic ecology field trip explains how to: i) gauge whether this type of activity is suitable for your students, ii) promote safety and equity in choosing field trip sites, iii) build a community of learners while in a virtual setting, iv) prepare students for their individual trips, v) create a step-by-step worksheet to lead students through the activity, and vi) improve the experience for future classes.

Primary image: Backyard River: Standing on a bridge looking over the Rillito River flowing through urban Tucson (photo taken by the author).

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Emily Rude onto River Eco

Moths and Frogs and <em>E. coli</em>, Oh My!: Agent-based Modeling of Evolutionary Systems

In evolution classrooms, introducing and reinforcing the idea of genetic drift and random selection can be challenging, as can be reinforcing appropriate mental models of evolution. Agent-based models offer students the opportunity to conduct a model-based inquiry into the impacts of different features on the outcomes in evolutionary systems, helping to build, test, and expand their mental models of evolution. In this lesson—through independent investigation, model-based inquiry, and discussions with peers—students are introduced to the ways that agent-based models can be used to make predictions and test hypotheses about evolutionary systems. This lesson uses the NetLogo modeling environment, which comes preloaded with several useful teaching models and can be manipulated in an easy-to-use graphical interface. We use three models: a model of peppered moths focused on environmental pressures and natural selection, a red queen model focused on the competitive coevolution of snakes and frogs, and a genetic drift model of E. coli. Together, these models help reinforce evolutionary concepts in a hands-on, student-driven environment while improving their understanding of the utility of computing in evolution research. This lesson can be modified to suit courses of varying student levels and has been successfully adapted to online or lecture-based learning environments.

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Emily Rude onto Evolution - Drift

Mapping a Mutation to its Gene: The "Fly Lab" as a Modern Research Experience

Although genetics is an invaluable part of the undergraduate biology curriculum, it can be intimidating to students as well as instructors: Students must reduce their reliance on memorization and dive deep into quantitative analysis, and instructors must make a long, rich history of genetics experiments clear, coherent, and relevant for students. Our Lesson addresses these challenges by having students map an unknown mutation to its gene using a modern suite of genetic tools. Students receive a Drosophila melanogaster strain with a mutation that causes the normally flat wing to bend at distinct sites along its length. Although we recently mapped this mutation to its gene, here we have renamed it "crumpled wing" (cw), an example of a pseudonym that you could use in the classroom. Like many standard "fly labs" that are taught at undergraduate institutions, this Lesson reinforces classic genetics concepts: students selectively mate fly strains to determine mode of inheritance, test Mendel's Laws, and three-point map an unknown mutation relative to known markers. But here, we expand on this tradition to simulate a more modern primary research experience: we greatly increase mapping resolution with molecularly-defined transgene insertions, deletions, and duplications; then cross-examine our data with key bioinformatic resources to identify a short-list of candidate cw genes. After extensive data interpretation and integration, students have been able to map cw to a single gene. This Lesson has a flexible design to accommodate a wide range of course structures, staffing, budgets, facilities, and student experience levels.

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Emily Rude onto Genetics

Sex and gender: What does it mean to be female or male?

This lesson provides three activities to engage non-science major students in a discussion about sex, gender, gender identity, and sex determination. Students prepare for the lesson by reading a short article titled Sex and gender: What is the difference? and responding with research topics that would be most appropriate for one term over the other (sex vs. gender). This forms the basis of the first activity in which students brainstorm what it means to be female or male, and then identify whether each idea is related to a sex or gender characteristic, followed by a whole class discussion. The second activity is a clicker question with four published journal article titles, and students identify which is the least appropriate use of the term gender. The final activity involves a case study of María José Martínez-Patiño who failed a sex test in 1985 and was denied the right to compete as a female in the World University Games. In the case study, students grapple with the physiology of androgen insensitivity and what ultimately determines a persons' sex and gender identity. Non-science major students find these activities accessible and engaging, and each activity serves as a formative assessment for both the teacher and student. Summative assessments evaluate the students' level of confidence related to each of the three learning outcomes, and their understanding of terminology, context, and examples of sex and gender.

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Emily Rude onto Genetics

A Muscular Dystrophy Case Study Illustrating the Phenotypic Effects of Mutation

Mutations in genes can lead to a variety of phenotypes, including various human diseases. Students often understand that a particular mutation in a single gene causes a disease phenotype, but it is more challenging to illustrate complex genetic concepts such as that similar mutations in the same gene cause very different phenotypes or that mutations in different genes cause similar phenotypes. We originally designed this lesson to build off of the CourseSource lesson “A clicker-based case study that untangles student thinking about the processes in the central dogma,” but it can also stand alone. In our lesson, students read or listen to a real-life case study featuring a patient who doggedly pursues the underlying genetic cause of her own disease—muscular dystrophy—and stumbles upon a similar mutation in the same gene that gives an athlete the seemingly opposite phenotype: pronounced muscles. The lesson also leads the students to overlay their understanding of the central dogma and mutation on protein function and disease, compares muscular dystrophy to the disease progeria, and concludes with an ethical challenge. We tested the lesson as both an independent homework assignment, as well as a small group in-class worksheet and both formats were successful.

Primary Image: Line drawing of a space filling diagram of the LMNA protein illustrating mutations that lead to progeria.

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Emily Rude onto Genetics

Honoring the Complexity of Genetics: Exploring the Role of Genes and the Environment Using Real World Examples

Historically, undergraduate genetics courses have disproportionately focused on the impact of genes on phenotypes, rather than multifactorial concepts which consider how a combination of genes, the environment, and gene-by-environment interactions impacts traits. Updating the curriculum to include multifactorial concepts is important to align course materials to current understanding of genetics, and potentially reduce deterministic thinking, which is the belief that traits are solely controlled by genes. Currently there are few resources to help undergraduate biology instructors incorporate multifactorial concepts into their genetics courses, so we designed this lesson that centers on familiar, real-world examples. During this lesson, students learn how to distinguish between genetic and environmental sources of variation, and examine and interpret examples of how phenotypic variation can result from a combination of gene and environmental variation and interactions. This lesson, which is designed for both in-person and online classrooms, engages students in small group and large group discussion, figure interpretation, and provides questions that can be used for both formative and summative assessments. Results from assessment questions suggest that students found working through models depicting the interactions between genotypes and environments beneficial for their understanding of these complex topics.

Primary Image: Mendel’s laws of alternative inheritance of peas. A photo taken by W.F.R. Weldon of variation in color and texture of peas. Reprinted with permission from Biometrika (Weldon WFR. 1902. Mendel’s laws of alternative inheritance in peas).

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Emily Rude onto Genetics

Homologous chromosomes? Exploring human sex chromosomes, sex determination and sex reversal using bioinformatics approaches

Constructing a robust understanding of homologous chromosomes, sex chromosomes, and the particulate nature of genes is a notoriously difficult task for undergraduate biology students. In this lesson, students expand their knowledge of human chromosome pairs by closely examining autosomes, sex chromosomes, and the non-homologous elements of the human X and Y sex chromosomes. In this four- part guided activity, students will learn about the structure and function of human autosomal and sex chromosomes, view and interpret gene maps, and gain familiarity with basic bioinformatics resources and data through use of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website. (Student access to computers with Internet connectivity is required for the completion of all Investigations within this lesson.) By viewing chromosomes and gene maps, students will be able to contrast expectations for homologous autosomal chromosome pairs and sex chromosome pairs, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the genetic basis for human chromosomal sex determination. In the last part of this lesson, students can also begin to understand how genetic mutations can lead to sex-reversal. The lesson, as presented, is intended for an introductory biology course for majors, but could be modified for other audiences. In addition, each exercise (“Investigation”) within the lesson can be used independently of the others if an instructor wishes to focus on only a subset of the learning objectives and provide the necessary context.  Options to extend the lesson related to interpreting phylogenies, and contrasting definitions of sex and gender are also provided.

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Emily Rude onto Genetics

Teaching Cancer Biology Through a Lens of Social Justice

The biology classroom is not separate from the greater context of society; social issues can and should be presented in connection with the content. Here we present an example of antiracist teaching using the molecular/cellular biology of cancer in an introductory biology course as a topic through which to address historic racial disparities. Through this lesson, students analyzed biological science through the lens of social justice, specifically looking at disparities of cancer incidence with ties to health outcomes and environmental racism. The synchronous activity begins with personal tie-ins to the broader subject of cancer and then dives into the molecular regulation involved in creating cancerous phenotypes. Cancer biology is explored using an active-learning style based in process-oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) tactics. Multiple levels of assessments pushed students to grapple with data about racial health disparities and make explicit connections between these data and molecular mechanisms of cancer formation. This paper provides activity worksheets, an activity timeline, an example of assessment items, and teacher preparation for other instructors who want to emulate this lesson either directly or as an example of adjusting other science topics towards this lens. For those teaching in different topics, we offer advice and examples to help instructors to include social justice lenses into their science teaching.

Primary image: Malignant History. Artwork by Heidi-Marie Wiggins and Jeannette Takashima.

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Emily Rude onto Genetics

How to Find a Gene: Retrieving Information From Gene Databases

A strong understanding of distinct gene components and the ability to retrieve relevant information from gene databases are necessary to answer a diverse set of biological questions. However, often there is a considerable gap between students’ theoretical understanding of gene structure and applying that knowledge to design laboratory experiments. In order to bridge that gap, our lesson focuses on how to take advantage of readily available gene databases, after providing students with a strong foundation in the central dogma and gene structure. Our instructor-led group activity aids students in navigating the gene databases on their own, which enables them to design experiments and predict their outcomes. While our class focuses on cardiomyocyte differentiation, classes with a different focus can easily adapt our lesson, which can be conducted within a single class period. Our lesson elicits high engagement and learning outcomes from students, who gain a deeper understanding of the central dogma and apply that knowledge to studying gene functions.

Primary Image: Gene structure at various levels of expression and retrieval of corresponding biological information from gene databases. This image contains a screenshot from the NCBI Database, which is an open source: National Center for Biotechnology Information. 2021. SOX2 SRY-box transcription factor 2.

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Emily Rude onto Genetics

Developing Data Literacy Skills and Connecting the Student Experience in the Classroom to the Community Through Biodiversity Projects

Undergraduate education and long-term science literacy are enhanced by integrating data projects with public datasets and creating analysis summaries. Underutilized public datasets are often generated by community-based or citizen science projects to address conservation issues supported by local residents. The objectives of this course activity are for students to contribute to a community science project, observe local species diversity, develop biodiversity questions, and apply data science techniques. Engaging students in these local projects enhances their understanding of the scientific process and its broader impacts on their community. The City Nature Challenge (CNC) is an annual global community science event where students participate by documenting species observations with the iNaturalist application, similar to localized BioBlitz events. Students are guided through using the iNaturalist database to practice biodiversity calculations then data is collected through participation in CNC (or a BioBlitz event an instructor arranges for their class). Spreadsheet software is used by students to organize, analyze, and summarize their relevant data to their peers. Students join the iNaturalist community of observers, which includes professional and non-professional naturalists. Therefore, students can see the themselves as scientists by contributing locally relevant data to a global and digital community of scientists. Experience working with large datasets such as the CNC iNaturalist dataset is essential for STEM careers and building data literacy. Implementing these experiences in classrooms will provide students unique opportunities to learn more about local biodiversity, develop interdisciplinary skills and positively influence a global network of scientists.

Primary image: Students recording biodiversity observations in an open field. At the annual Macaulay Honors College BioBlitz, students are divided into teams to explore a specific NYC park and record the animal and plant life they observed, which they later used to generate biodiversity reports including the species richness and abundances for the park.

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Emily Rude onto River Eco

My Dog IS My Homework: Exploring Canine Genetics to Understand Genotype-Phenotype Relationships

To facilitate understanding of the fundamental genetic concept of the genotype-phenotype relationship in our introductory biology students, we designed an engaging multi-week series of related lessons about canine genetics in which students explore and answer the question, "How does the information encoded in DNA lead to physical traits in an organism?" Dogs are an excellent model organism for students since the genetic basis for complex morphological traits of various breeds is an active area of scientific research and dog DNA is easily accessible. Additionally, examination of students' pets offers a relatable, real-world, connection for students. Of the more than 19,000 genes that control canine genetics, simple genetic mutations in three genes are largely responsible for the coat variations of dogs –specifically, the genes that control hair length, curl, and the presence/absence of furnishings. In our lessons, students collect DNA samples from dogs, isolate and amplify targeted sections of DNA through polymerase chain reactions (PCR), and then sequence and analyze DNA for insertions and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutations. Utilizing gel electrophoresis and bioinformatics tools, students connect how the physical manifestation of traits is rooted in genetic sequences. Students also participate in discussions of scientific literature, group collaboration to construct a final poster, and presentation of their findings during a mock scientific poster conference. Through this module students engage in progressive exploration of genetic and molecular techniques that reveal how simple variations in a few DNA sequences in combination lead to a broad diversity of coat quality in domestic dog breeds.

Primary image. Genetic Analysis of Canine Coat Morphologies. Three dogs with differing coat morphologies analyzed by students (A, B, C), an agarose gel post-electrophoresis (D), and a chromatogram of a DNA sequence highlighting a relevant mutation (E). This collage contains original images taken by authors and course participants.

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Emily Rude onto Genetics

CURE-all: Large Scale Implementation of Authentic DNA Barcoding Research into First-Year Biology Curriculum

Growing calls in science education reform have emphasized wide-scale engagement of first-year undergraduate students in authentic research experiences; however, large course enrollments, inadequate student experience, limited resources and departmental inertia often create obstacles to reaching this goal. To help overcome these obstacles, the Department of Biology at James Madison University (JMU) has developed a cost-effective, scalable, and transferable semester-long (14-week) course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) designed for large enrollment introductory biology labs. In this series of labs, first-year students use DNA barcoding to engage in authentic research practices drawn from the fields of ecology, molecular biology, and bioinformatics. These labs enable students to identify local species of plants, fungi, and invertebrates using student-generated DNA barcode sequences, which are then shared through a public database. Since their implementation at JMU in 2016, students in these labs have created and shared over 1,500 unique DNA barcode sequences and documented over 300 local species of plants, fungi, and invertebrates. These data are being used in an ongoing project comparing the biodiversity of forest edge versus forest interior habitats, but the labs are adaptable to almost any habitat or taxonomic group. In this article, we provide detailed descriptions of the content, logistics, and implementation of this 14-week series of labs. To our knowledge, this is among the largest-enrollment CUREs being offered to first-year undergraduates in the United States, and we hope that it can be useful to other institutions interested in documenting biodiversity and engaging introductory biology students in authentic research.

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Emily Rude onto Evolution - Phylogeny

Biostatistics using R: A Laboratory Manual

Biostatistics Using R: A Laboratory Manual was created with the goals of providing biological content to lab sessions by using authentic research data and introducing R programming language to biology majors.

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Emily Rude onto Stats

Investigating Cell Signaling with Gene Expression Datasets

Modern molecular biology is a data- and computationally-intensive field with few instructional resources for introducing undergraduate students to the requisite skills and techniques for analyzing large data sets. This Lesson helps students: (i) build an understanding of the role of signal transduction in the control of gene expression; (ii) improve written scientific communication skills through engagement in literature searches, data analysis, and writing reports; and (iii) develop an awareness of the procedures and protocols for analyzing and making inferences from high-content quantitative molecular biology data. The Lesson is most suited to upper level biology courses because it requires foundational knowledge on cellular organization, protein structure and function, and the tenets of information flow from DNA to proteins. The first step lays the foundation for understanding cell signaling, which can be accomplished through assigned readings and presentations. In subsequent active learning sessions, data analysis is integrated with exercises that provide insight into the structure of scientific papers. The Lesson emphasizes the role of quantitative methods in research and helps students gain experience with functional genomics databases and data analysis, which are important skills for molecular biologists. Assessment is conducted through mini-reports designed to gauge students' perceptions of the purpose of each step, their awareness of the possible limitations of the methods utilized, and the ability to identify opportunities for further investigation. Summative assessment is conducted through a final report. The modules are suitable for complementing wet-laboratory experiments and can be adapted for different courses that use molecular biology data.

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Emily Rude onto Genetics

Passion-Driven Statistics

E-book in .pdf format and customizable .iba format

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Emily Rude onto Stats

Simple, Accessible River-Based Field Investigation of Riverine Microplastics

Scientists have discovered that microplastic pollution is ubiquitous in the environment, but the small size of these microscopic pollutants prohibits most people from recognizing their prevalence. This river-based field lesson will introduce environmental science students to this emerging environmental concern, and encourages them to explore microplastics in their local waterways with sample collection, density separation and field-based microscopy. Students will appreciate the opportunity to connect to this topic from anywhere in the world, allowing them to see microplastics with their own eyes and without the use of sophisticated equipment. In addition, this lesson helps students recognize their own personal impact on microplastic pollution and identify ways to reduce their creation of microplastics.

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Emily Rude onto River Eco

Is Earth Currently Undergoing a Sixth Mass Extinction?

The five Phanerozoic mass extinctions were central in shaping biodiversity on Earth today. Due to increasing biodiversity losses, there is debate about whether we are currently undergoing a sixth mass extinction. To help students better understand these issues and explore the ongoing debate, we developed a lesson that uses active learning approaches including small-group work, poll questions, and whole-class discussion. This lesson provides an overview of major events in Earth’s history, an introduction to extinction and mass extinction, and past and present conservation efforts. Students were assessed using two short take-home assignments, in-class poll questions, and quiz questions. Here we provide detail about the lesson and summarize student performance on the assessments.

Primary image: This image was adapted from work shared under a Creative Commons License (

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Emily Rude onto Mass Extinctions

Louse Genetics, Genomics, and Gene Function...Oh My!

In this module, students will be investigating a louse gene with an unknown function to determine if it might be important in the evolution of the louse ecomorphs.

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Emily Rude onto Genetics

V&C - Unpacking a Movement and Sharing Lessons Learned

Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: Unpacking a Movement and Sharing Lessons Learned

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Pat Marsteller onto social justice in stem

The Undergraduate Student Experiences with Citizen Science (USE CitSci) Network: Opportunities for Involvement

Poster presented at the 2023 C*Science Association meeting

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The Undergraduate Student Experiences with Citizen Science (USE CitSci) Network: Easing Instruction, Improving Learning, and Broadening Science Participation

Poster presented at the 2021 Citizen Science Association meeting

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From panic to pedagogy: Using online active learning to promote inclusive instruction in ecology and evolutionary biology courses and beyond

Harris, B.N., P.C. McCarthy, A.M. Wright, H. Schutz, K.S. Boersma, S.L. Shepherd, L.A. Manning, 2020. From panic to pedagogy: Using online active learning to promote inclusive instruction in ecology and evolutionary biology courses and beyond. Ecology and Evolution 10: 12581–12612. 

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Cultivating inclusive instructional and research environments in ecology and evolutionary science

Emery, N.C., Bledsoe, E.K., Hasley, A.O. and Eaton, C.D., 2020. Cultivating inclusive instructional and research environments in ecology and evolutionary science. Ecology and Evolution. 

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Reimagining publics and (non) participation: Exploring exclusion from science communication through the experiences of low-income, minority ethnic groups

Dawson, E. 2018. Reimagining publics and (non) participation: Exploring exclusion from science communication through the experiences of low-income, minority ethnic groups. Public Understanding of Science 27: 772–786. 

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