This resource shares a modified template that was created to provide meaningful inclusion in science. The template attends to the importance of the cognitive and the emotional and important considerations that our children, particularly children of color and particularly our Black children need to know and understand to help them thrive. I created this modified template in 2017 as a research template that could be used as a potential resource for the K-12 classroom. The template was not my original idea but was derived from a pre-existing template available on However, what led me to use this template and to modify it was that very few of the exemplars represented Black scientists of engineers. As a matter of fact only about a handful were Black. I added three questions to the template that I thought were important - namely the questions on the obstacles and challenges faced, how I made it, and advice to people of African origins.
This resource provides a sample of the data cards that have been used in conference presentations, trainings, and science methods courses over the years. This resource provides supplemental data for current publications in press or under review.
This resource is a public report that provides final outcomes from the NSF funded project award # 1928832. The resources included in this report are outcomes from the catalyst project titled: Creating and Evaluating a Culturally Representative STEM Curriculum Supported by Next Generation Science Standards. Others will be shared in this research lab space over time.
Why representation matters: Interpreting data to identify factors that affect Black students’ persistence in STEM
Version: 1.0
In this lesson, learners interpret a table summarizing the factors influencing the persistence of Black students at an HBCU. Then, learners view and reflect on an interview with science education researcher Dr. Catherine Quinlan, who collected the data that they interpreted.