Deep Teaching Residency (DTR-I)

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Chevy Chase, MD

January 5-8, 2020


The 'Deep Teaching' model from 'Deep Teaching in the college STEM classroom' (Dewsbury 2019, CSSE). The residency helps participants centralize the role of self-awareness and building authentic relationships with students as a precursor to implementing inclusive practices. 


When - January 5th (1:00pm) to January 8th (1:00pm) 2020

Where - Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 4000 Jones Bridge Road, Chevy Chase, MD, 20815

Who is attending - STEM faculty at 2-year and 4-year public and private higher-education institutions

Who will benefit - Full-time faculty and adjunct faculty who are interested in inclusive pedagogy but are fairly new to implementing it in their classrooms

Goals - 

  1. Meaningfully transform faculty mindsets in the direction of equity-based pedagogies
  2. Assist faculty in developing the knowledge and requisite skills to implement inclusive teaching practices
  3. Support participants in planning alterations to their practice to enhance inclusive teaching 
  4. Community-building with DTR and leveraging campus networks