Tony Sena
OrganizationMassachusetts Bay Community College
- M.S., COMPUTER SCIENCE (Distributed and Parallel Computing), from Northeastern University, Boston, MA
- M.S., EARTH SCIENCE (Parallel Computing applied to Geophysics), from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA
- B.S., (LICENTIATE), COMPUTER SCIENCE (Advanced Parallel Computing), from Central University of Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela
Prof. Sena has been working on several multidisciplinary projects involving students and faculty from the Computer Science and Biotechnology departments at MBCC. His group is doing research in the areas of parallel & distributed systems, network security, Big Data, cloud computing, encryption/decryption, signal & image processing, and DNA sequencing. They are developing distributed applications using message-passing technologies (MPI) on the MassBay Cerberus Beowulf cluster, and presenting the results at computer science and engineering conferences