
  • Organization
    SPEAR (STEM Program Evaluation, Assessment, & Research) Consultants

  • Employment Status
    University / 4-year College Undergraduate

  • Telephone
    (not set)

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  • Biography
    Dr. Sondra LoRe has worked as a professional evaluator and educational consultant since 1999. She holds a bachelor’s degree in economics, a master’s degree in curriculum & instruction, an educational specialist’s degree in educational leadership, administration, and supervision and a doctorate in the evaluation, statistics, and measurement. Dr. LoRe has held positions in both K-12 and higher education programs for educational leadership, curriculum design, and evaluation and assessment. Sondra is currently the principal evaluation consultant for STEM Program Evaluation, Assessment, and Research (SPEAR) as well as the Evaluation Manager of the National Institute for STEM Evaluation and Research (NISER) where she has evaluated K-12 teacher and university faculty professional development programs, interdisciplinary scientific research groups, and graduate interdisciplinary educational and outreach events aimed at promoting teaching, learning, and research at the intersection of mathematics, and science.

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