
Undergraduate Student Experiences with Citizen Science Highlight Potential to Broaden Scientific Engagement

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Do Ecological or Molecular Biological Citizen Science Projects Affect the Perceptions of Undergraduate Students Toward Pursuing Future Citizen Science?

Bedell, K. and Gates, T., 2021. Do Ecological or Molecular Biological Citizen Science Projects Affect the Perceptions of Undergraduate Students Toward Pursuing Future Citizen Science?. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 6(1), p.30. DOI:

To investigate how the content focus of citizen science projects impacts students’ attitudes toward future citizen science participation, we conducted a multilevel cross-classified analysis (mixed linear model) on four years of non-major biology students’ student survey data (n = 2,962) responding to ecological versus molecular biology citizen science project assignments using self-determination theory (SDT) as a backbone.

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Cultivating Bioliteracy, Biodiscovery, Data Literacy, and Ecological Monitoring in Undergraduate Courses with iNaturalist

Hitchcock, C., Sullivan, J. and O’Donnell, K., 2021. Cultivating Bioliteracy, Biodiscovery, Data Literacy, and Ecological Monitoring in Undergraduate Courses with iNaturalist. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 6(1), p.26. DOI:

We demonstrate how iNaturalist can connect students to nature in undergraduate courses, simultaneously contributing to biodiversity knowledge. Our three case studies use iNaturalist to improve student bioliteracy (awareness and knowledge of biodiversity), to engage them in biodiscovery (discovering undocumented biodiversity occurrences, behaviors, and interactions), to introduce students to systematic ecological sampling (documenting biodiversity patterns and trends), and to improve their data literacy (by depositing and accessing open biodiversity data and by performing analyses).

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Using Citizen Science to Incorporate Research into Introductory Biology Courses at Multiple Universities

Vance-Chalcraft, H.D., Gates, T.A., Hogan, K.A., Evans, M., Bunnell, A. and Hurlbert, A.H., 2021. Using Citizen Science to Incorporate Research into Introductory Biology Courses at Multiple Universities. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 6(1), p.23. DOI:

Across three universities, we included Caterpillars Count! as a research experience in introductory biology courses. This citizen science project measures seasonal variation in the abundance of arthropods on the foliage of trees and shrubs. Over five semesters, more than 1,200 students participated in a pre- and post-assessment of knowledge related to citizen science, ecology, and the nature and process of science. A subset of students also provided written reflections.

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Citizen Science in Higher Education

Hitchcock, C., Vance-Chalcraft, H. and Aristeidou, M., 2021. Citizen Science in Higher Education. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 6(1), p.22. DOI:

Editorial for the special collection: Citizen Science in Higher Education

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Citizen Science in Postsecondary Education: Current Practices and Knowledge Gaps



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Sickle Cell Disease and Natural Selection in Humans

Sickle Cell

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Profile picture of Wes Rogers

Wes Rogers onto BIOL 1101/1102

Teaching Cancer Biology Through a Lens of Social Justice

Cancer and Social Justice

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Profile picture of Stephanie Fretham

Stephanie Fretham onto Bio 152

Cell Signaling Pathways - a Case Study Approach

Cell Signaling Case Study Resources

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Profile picture of Stephanie Fretham

Stephanie Fretham onto Bio 152

Learning About Protein Localization: A Lesson for Analyzing Figures in a Scientific Publication

In order to function correctly, proteins must be localized to a specific subcellular location. We have designed this lesson to use data from the primary literature to teach students about the mechanisms cells use to direct proteins to the appropriate destinations and about the types of experiments that scientists use to investigate these mechanisms. Exposing undergraduate students to primary literature and experimental science in biology courses can prepare them for the demands of the job market and graduate programs. However, students can struggle when asked to analyze data from publications due to the high cognitive load involved with figure interpretation. We have designed this lesson to help students draw meaningful conclusions from figures in primary literature. To make the figure interpretation process more accessible to students, we use a combination of scaffolding to break down figure interpretation into smaller attainable steps and group work to allow students to combine their knowledge and work collaboratively. In this lesson, student groups are given a subset of figures from a scientific article along with questions that guide them through the process of decoding and interpreting these figures. The students interpret three figures that use different experimental techniques to address the subcellular localization of the TIN2 protein and one figure that determines the locations of the signal sequences in the protein that are critical for the correct localization. Taken together, this lesson helps students understand both how the eukaryotic cell localizes proteins to the correct subcellular localization and how scientists study this question.

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Profile picture of Jessica Fry

Jessica Fry onto Cell Bio

Preparing Student Study Guides through Peer Collaboration in the Technological Era

Incorporating active learning exercises into large lecture courses is particularly challenging, especially when it comes to examination preparation materials. Traditionally, study guides are used as a tool to guide student learning and review pertinent information. However, instructor produced review guides limit active participation of students in the study process, and the independent reading and review of study materials has previously been shown to fall short of being inclusive for students. Here I describe a tool used in a large introductory biology lecture for the implementation of peer produced study guides. The activity includes in-person peer discussion followed by online peer collaboration to design a study guide of potential exam materials, incorporating the advantages of both active learning and the use of study guides. This format provides a platform for students of diverse learning backgrounds to actively participate in the development and refinement of study materials. I conclude by discussing the assessment, secondary advantages, and adaptability of this tool and teaching strategy.

Primary image: Peer Studying and Online Learning. This image represents the combination of peer collaborative learning and the use of online resources for study. The image is not copyrighted and was downloaded for the copyright free site “Unsplash.”

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Profile picture of Jessica Fry

Jessica Fry onto Intro Bio

Electron Location, Location, Location: Understanding Biological Interactions

To use prior to 3D printing module?

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Profile picture of Jessica Fry

Jessica Fry onto Intro Bio

Electron Location, Location, Location: Understanding Biological Interactions

Introductory Biology courses typically introduce the structure and function of biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. To understand biomolecules fully, students require knowledge of fundamental chemistry concepts such as covalent bonding, intermolecular interactions and hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity (1). Students enter our large (>400 student) course with a notoriously limited conceptual grasp of basic chemistry principles. Our lesson is an activity designed on the principles of POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning). In 50 minutes, students build their own definitions of the following: polar vs. non-polar covalent bonds, hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity and the nature of hydrogen bonding based simply on the relative electronegativities of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen. We find that this exercise improves students’ understanding of these chemical concepts. Since adopting this activity, students have been better able to understand biomolecular structures and predict interactions between molecules.

Primary image: Hydrogen Bond. Possible hydrogen bond interaction that can form between two simple organic molecules.

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Profile picture of Keith A. Johnson

Keith A. Johnson onto Introductory biology

Investigating human impacts on stream ecology: Scaling up from Local to National with a focus on the Southeast

Adaptation of the "TIEE Module- How does nutrient pollution impact stream ecosystems locally and nationally?" specifically to include information on the SE (particularly Atlanta, GA).

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Profile picture of Jennifer Kovacs

Jennifer Kovacs onto Ecology 2022

An Active Learning Workshop to Teach Active Learning Strategies

Active learning strategies

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Profile picture of Lindi Heyns

Lindi Heyns onto Teaching

Building Biodiversity Datasets

Building biodiversity datasets

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Profile picture of Lindi Heyns

Lindi Heyns onto Practical Ideas

Putting specimens on the map: An introduction to georeferencing

Georeferencing of specimens

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Profile picture of Lindi Heyns

Lindi Heyns onto Practical Ideas

The Revolution Will be Backward Designed - YouTube

Backward Design

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Lindi Heyns onto Teaching

Using Open-Source Bioinformatics and Visualization Tools to Explore the Structure and Function of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein

The relationship between protein structure and function is a foundational concept in undergraduate biochemistry. We find this theme is best presented with assignments that encourage exploration and analysis. Here, we share a series of four assignments that use open-source, online molecular visualization and bioinformatics tools to examine the interaction between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and the ACE2 receptor. The interaction between these two proteins initiates SARS-CoV-2 infection of human host cells and is the cause of COVID-19. In assignment I, students identify sequences with homology to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and use them to build a primary sequence alignment. Students make connections to a linked primary research article as an example of how scientists use molecular and phylogenetic analysis to explore the origins of a novel virus. Assignments II through IV teach students to use an online molecular visualization tool for analysis of secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure. Emphasis is placed on identification of noncovalent interactions that stabilize the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and mediate its interaction with ACE2. We assigned this project to upper-level undergraduate biochemistry students at a public university and liberal arts college. Students in our courses completed the project as individual homework assignments. However, we can easily envision implementation of this project during multiple in-class sessions or in a biochemistry laboratory using in-person or remote learning. We share this project as a resource for instructors who aim to teach protein structure and function using inquiry-based molecular visualization activities.

Primary image: Exploration of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: student generated data from assignments I - IV. Includes examples of figures submitted by students, including a sequence alignment and representations of 3D protein structure generated using UCSF Chimera. The primary image includes student generated data and a cartoon from Pixabay, an online repository of copyright free art. 

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Profile picture of Keith A. Johnson

Keith A. Johnson onto Introductory biology

Color vision deficiency applications

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Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller onto UDL Resources