
Data Science

2 posts

Profile picture of Kristin Jenkins

Kristin Jenkins


6 posts

Profile picture of Kristin Jenkins

Kristin Jenkins

Accessibility, Inclusivity, and Universal Design

When moving an in-person course online it is important to ensure that your materials are accessible for all students. In this collection are some guides and tools around accessibility and inclusivity.

8 posts

Profile picture of Hayley Orndorf

Hayley Orndorf

Best Practices for Teaching Online

Resources and guides for instructing online courses

7 posts

Profile picture of Hayley Orndorf

Hayley Orndorf


3 posts

Profile picture of Kristin Jenkins

Kristin Jenkins

Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs)

Papers and information on CUREs

4 posts

Profile picture of Kristin Jenkins

Kristin Jenkins

Faculty Training Workshops in Genomics

A collection of training workshops in genomics and bioinformatics suggested by members of the Genomics Education Alliance.

12 posts

Profile picture of Wilson Leung

Wilson Leung


1 posts

Profile picture of Julia Ossler

Julia Ossler


0 posts

Profile picture of Mark Ewusi Shiburah

Mark Ewusi Shiburah

Literature on Research Experiences for Undergraduates

A collection of papers and reports on the various aspects of UREs of all types.

4 posts

Profile picture of Kristin Jenkins

Kristin Jenkins

Review Articles for the field of Synthetic Biology

These are general review articles reviewing the broad field of synthetic biology and are a good place to get an overview of the broad scope of the field.

4 posts

Profile picture of Lisa Scheifele

Lisa Scheifele

Deep practices - Resources for learning about inclusion

The promise and practice of inclusive teaching means that practitioners as key stakeholders in the equity process need to be forever students of the process. Here, we have accumulated a plethora of resources that should continue to challenge your understanding of the human experience as it pertains to education and beyond. The readings, documentaries, podcasts, and other material should provide more food for questions than they do answers. As we seek to develop our practices within a more explicitly inclusive framework we hope that these resources are found to be supportive to the process.

1 posts

Profile picture of Bryan Dewsbury

Bryan Dewsbury


1 posts

Profile picture of mart huisman

mart huisman

Links related to OER and SCORE Summit

Share links that come up in the SCORE Summit. May be related to sustainability, communication, collaborative opportunities, equity and inclusion, etc.

22 posts

Profile picture of Carrie Diaz Eaton

Carrie Diaz Eaton

Additional Professional Development Opportunities

A collection of other professional development workshops and programs of interest to the community.

6 posts

Profile picture of Kristin Jenkins

Kristin Jenkins

Ratios, Fractions and Percentages

Resources for teaching about ratios, fractions, and percentages in a biological context.

2 posts

Profile picture of Kristin Jenkins

Kristin Jenkins

Additional Resources for Teaching and Careers

This is a place to share links to materials and resources that could potentially be used for teaching topics related to the content of this conference.  So, lessons or resources on GMOs, genetics, DNA, biotechnology, soils, agricultural technology, environmental technology, ethics, etc.   Career information and credentialing exam info is available.

17 posts

Profile picture of Margaret Waterman

Margaret Waterman

The BAG course at BUGSS

This is a collection of lab protocols, materials and slides from when the course was presented at Baltimore Underground Science Space in September 2019.

9 posts

Profile picture of Lisa Scheifele

Lisa Scheifele

How to Create and Film Cell Blocks

How to Create a Cell Block.  Basic information for filming a Cell Block for the CBEC

0 posts

Profile picture of Nathan s Reyna

Nathan s Reyna

Job Postings

Information about job postings from BioQUEST community members. The collection is open for anyone to add a post, but please ensure you include the full listing or a link/file with all information.

8 posts

Profile picture of Hayley Orndorf

Hayley Orndorf

Developmental Mathematics

Information on resources and programs in developmental mathematics.

2 posts

Profile picture of Kristin Jenkins

Kristin Jenkins


Along with BioQUEST, SENCER is a national "community of transformation" in STEM reform that improves learning AND fosters civic engagement by teaching science content "through" complex and contested public challenges. For information on SENCER's history, resources, and activities check out these links.

0 posts

Profile picture of Eliza Jane Reilly

Eliza Jane Reilly